Financial statements are one of the tools for assessing company’s financial condition and analyzing of data recorded in the system. They act as internal information database for carrying out of analyses. Financial statements are of registering nature, because they are calculated on the basis of data registered on the accounts.
The system allows for defining any type of financial statements and own financial indicators.
A list of financial statements is available from the level of the menu Accounting, under the [Statements] button.

The list contains financial statements available in a given center: From the level of the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Object Availability, it is possible to manage the availability of financial statements within centers of a given company. Detailed description regarding sharing of financial statements can be found in article Object availability.
The list contains standard buttons which have been described in article Standard buttons and, additionally:
- [Calculate] − calculates a statement, allows for previewing the previous statement
- [Wizard] − button available in Polish version of database. Allows for generating templates of financial statements.
- [Import XML] − allows for importing a statement a file with .xml extension
- [Export XML] − allows for exporting a statement to a file with .xml extension Each exported statement is saved in a separate file with a name indicated by a user to which the symbol of a given statement is added.
The list is composed of the following columns:
- Name
- Code
- Description
Detailed description of functioning of the filters can be found in category Searching and filtering data.