List of ZD Notifications

The functionality is available in the Polish version of the system only.

According to the regulation of the Ministry of Finance, in order to recognize the bad debt relief, it is necessary to generate a VAT-ZD attachment (notification about the corrected tax base and the amount of tax due).

A ZD notification is used for listing all the invoices that fulfill all of the following conditions:

  • invoice unpaid or partially paid
  • it has already been 150 days since their due dates
  • it has not been 2 years since the date of issue of the invoice
  • transaction type: National
  • VAT-7 Tax Return parameter Yes
  • in the case of purchase in voices VAT Deductions: Yes or Conditionally
  • VAT-ZD parameter Yes (with the possibility of changing it from the level of the document payment)
  • ZD Notification parameter No
  • parameter Active Taxpayer (checked)
  • parameter In liquidation unchecked

Depending on the setting of the parameter Include invoices whose 150/90 of days passed in the month for which a tax return is calculated that is available in VAT-ZD document definition (Configuration → Types → VAT-ZD document), a ZD notification:

  • lists the invoices in the case of which additional 150/90 days have passed since their due dates in the month for which the notification is being calculated – if the parameter is checked
  • lists the invoices in the case of which additional 150/90 days have passed since their due dates in the month for which the notification is being calculated – when the parameter is checked
Parameter Include invoices whose 150/90 of days passed in the month for which a tax return is calculated
An unpaid VPI issued on 11.16.2018 with due date specified to 23.11.2018. In February 2019, additional 90 days passed for the invoice to be included in a VAT-ZD notification, but it has not been added into that document.

During recalculation of VAT-7 tax return along with a VAT-ZD notification:

with deselected parameter Include invoices whose 150/90 of days passed in the month for which a tax return is calculated – the VPI will be listed in a VAT-ZD notification issued for the month of March

with selected parameter Include invoices whose 150/90 of days passed in the month for which a tax return is calculated – the VPI will not be listed in a VAT-ZD notification issued for the month of March

The list of ZD notifications is available under the button [ZD Notifications] available in the menu Accounting.

List of ZD Notifications

The list contains <<standard buttons>> and, additionally:

  • [VAT Accounts] – opens VAT-ZD tab in VAT accounts
  • [Tax Returns] – opens the list of tax returns
  • [Corrections in VAT Accounts] – button available upon selecting accepted or confirmed ZD notification on the list. It opens ZD Notification Corrections window, presenting correcting documents generated to a specific ZD notification with division into the following tabs: Creditor, Debtor, Creditor – Paid Documents, Debtor – Paid Documents

A ZD notification document can be deleted from the level of the list ZD Notifications, with the use of the button [Delete] or along with deleting the VAT–7 tax return to which it was generated.

The list of ZD notifications is composed of the following columns:

  • Symbol – ZD notification symbol
  • Tax Return Code – VAT-7 tax return symbol
  • Version – version of VAT-ZD attachment form
  • Month – month of recalculation of notification
  • Year – year of recalculation of notification
  • Status – notification status
  • Correction – information whether notification is a correction
  • Calculated for – center for which the notification is calculated

and columns hidden by default:

  • Correcting Documents – information whether correcting documents were generated to the notification
  • E-Tax Return status – information regarding the status of forwarding VAT tax return for which ZD notification was created
  • Creditor – information whether a notification contains the tab Creditor
  • Owner – ZD notification owner

Detailed description of functioning of the filters can be found in category <<Searching and filtering data>>>


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