Manual quantity correction

On an item of a manual quantity correction, it is necessary to define quantity, price and value before the correction. Besides that, on the item addition form fields relating to the price type, regular price and discount, are hidden.

For SIQC/RQC manual corrections:

  • subitems of “release” type are created, for which a user can indicate a warehouse to which the item is to be returned, define its features, as well as provide the purchase cost of such an item.
  • purchase/acquisition value on subitems of RQC/SIQC must be entered with a negative sign.
  • after confirming a SIQC/RQC, the system will generate, automatically or upon request of an operator, IR+ documents receiving an item with a specific feature into the selected warehouse.

If on subitems of manual RQC/SIQC a user does not define purchase/acquisition value, then when confirming the document, the system notifies about it and asks whether to continue.

When generating an IR+ document:

  • the system ignores subitems of SIQC/RQC for which IR+ documents have been created in full and subitems to which warehouse an IR+ document is not entitled
  • IR + subitem values are determined on the basis of the costs defined by a user in the source SIQC/RQC. The value in the IR+ is determined on the basis of the total of the values of subitems.

In an IR+ created as a result of SIQC/RQC confirmation:

  • the quantity on a subitem can be modified and decreased
  • it is not possible to add new subitems

For PIQC manual corrections:

  • one subitem of “release” type is created with quantity resulting from correction. Such a subitem does not indicate any resource
  • resource value is determined on the basis of the value of the correction item
  • warehouse and feature value can be modified
  • for a merchandise which is to be returned from several warehouses, several items must be created

When generating an IR- document:

  • the system retrieves the resources in a quantity not exceeding the quantity form the PIQC, in accordance with the order defined in the system (FIFO/LIFO/AVCO), including feature values defined on particular subitems of the PIQC document. In the event when a merchandise is to be returned from many warehouses, an operator will need to create many items on a document of manual PIQC
  • the items are not grouped


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