In the financial module, documents are numbered in accordance with the following rules:
- When adding a new document, the option AUTO is displayed in the numerator’s segment Number

- Once the document is saved, either manually or automatically (e.g. when a cash/bank transaction is automatically saved after associating it with a payment on the tab Payments), the system assigns a specific number to that document. This number is the first free number available according to a date used in the numerator of the relevant document type.
- It is possible to use a free number by selecting it manually in the number section of the numerator. However, the user needs to have a relevant permission to do so (Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → operator group form → Other Permissions → Using of free document number).

After selecting a free number in a document header, the user cannot close the document without saving changes.
The selected document number is also automatically saved while closing the entire system.
- If the user edits a document and changes its date or element, e.g. a cash/bank account which directly affects the document number, the system automatically suggests the first free number for the date of a given document. The number can be changed if there are several free numbers available for the relevant date. The new system number is automatically saved, whereas the previous number is released (it can later be used in another document). The user cannot close the document without saving changes.
- The numbering of cash/bank transactions created automatically upon closing a document or making payments for it is dependent on the parameter Default automatic numeration. A document number can only be changed before the document is confirmed.