Numbering of journal entries

Numbering of journal entries

Before adding the first journal entry in a given accounting period, it is possible to specify the method of numbering journal entries numeration from the level of accounting period form (Configuration → Accounting → Accounting Periods).

Methods of numbering of journal entries:

  • Complete numeration of journal entries
  • Numeration only in ledger

Complete numeration of journal entries

When the parameter Numeration only in ledger, on accounting period form, is unchecked, journal entries have double numeration: Number in Ledger and Number in General Ledger

Additionally, with the use of the parameter Ledger Numeration it is possible to specify whether the numeration should be performed within an accounting period or within a month

Selection of monthly numeration results in adding new segments to a number in the general ledger and in ledger:

  • Calendar year
  • Month

Situation 1:

  • Unchecked parameter Numeration only in ledger
  • Parameter Ledger Numeration set to – In accounting period

Number in general ledger, e.g.: B 1:

  • B – is the prefix from configuration of unconfirmed journal entries
  • 1 – subsequent number in a given accounting period

Number in ledger, e.g.: B Sales/1:

  • B – is the prefix from configuration of unconfirmed journal entries
  • Sales – ledger symbol
  • 1 – subsequent number in a ledger in a given accounting period

Situation 2:

  • Unchecked parameter Numeration only in ledger
  • Parameter Ledger Numeration set to – Monthly

Number in general ledger, e.g.: B/2018/01/1, where:

  • B – is the prefix from configuration of unconfirmed journal entries
  • 2018 – calendar year
  • 01 – month
  • 1 – subsequent number in a ledger in the calendar year in a specific month

Number in ledger, e.g.: B Sales/2018/01/1, where:

  • B – is the prefix from configuration of unconfirmed journal entries
  • Sales – ledger symbol
  • 2018 – calendar year
  • 01 – month
  • 1 – subsequent number in a ledger in the calendar year in a specific month


Numbering of ledger (general ledger) and ledgers within a month provides possibility of entering journal entries in a given month even if confirming of entries in following months has already started.


  • Unchecked parameter Numeration only in ledger
  • Parameter Ledger Numeration set to – Monthly

Journal entries in ledgers:


StatusNumber in General LedgerNumber in LedgerPosting Date
UnconfirmedB 2018/01/5B SALES/2018/01/301/14/2018
UnconfirmedB 2018/01/6B SALES/2018/01/401/15/2018


StatusNumber in General LedgerNumber in Partial LedgerPosting Date
UnconfirmedB 2018/02/05B SALES/2018/02/0302/14/2018
UnconfirmedB 2018/02/06B SALES/2018/02/0402/15/2018

If the user attempts to add an unconfirmed or confirmed journal entry with date 1.10.2018 to the ledger SALES, the following message is displayed: “This document contains single-sided entries with dates earlier than the recently confirmed journal entry document. Cannot save”. If the user tries to add a journal entry with posting date 1.20.2018 – it will be possible to add it.

Numeration only in ledger

If option Numeration only in ledger is checked in the accounting period definition, then added journal entries receive only one number: Number in Ledger. It allows for closing journal entries within particular ledgers.

Additionally, with the use of the parameter Ledger Numeration it is possible to specify whether the numeration should be performed within an accounting period or within a month.

Selection of monthly numeration results in adding new segments to a number in the general ledger and in ledger:

  • Calendar year
  • Month

Situation 1:

  • Checked parameter Numeration only in ledger
  • Parameter Ledger Numeration set to – In accounting period

Number of a journal entries looks as follows, e.g.: B Sales/1, where

  • B – is the prefix from configuration of unconfirmed journal entries
  • Sales – ledger symbol
  • Number in Ledger – successive number of a journal entry within a given accounting period

Situation 2:

Checked parameter Numeration only in ledger

Parameter Ledger Numeration set to – Monthly

Number of a journal entries looks as follows, e.g.: B Sales/2018/01/1, where:

  • B – is the prefix from configuration of unconfirmed journal entries
  • Sales – ledger symbol
  • 2018 – calendar year
  • 01 – month
  • 1 – subsequent number in a ledger in the calendar year in a specific month

In case of numeration only in ledger, the mechanism of controlling if a journal entry being saved as unconfirmed or confirmed has its posting date earlier than the last confirmed journal entry. The control regards the dates of journal entries within numeration in the ledger.

Additionally, in case of monthly numeration, correctness of posting dates within a month is also controlled.


  • Checked parameter Numeration only in ledger
  • Parameter Ledger Numeration set to – In accounting period

Journal entries in ledgers:

StatusNumber in General LedgerPosting Date
UnconfirmedB PURCHASE/101/25/2018
UnconfirmedB PURCHASE/302/10/2018
UnconfirmedB SALES/402/15/2018
Unconfirmed B PURCHASE/403/01/2018

After confirming the ledger SALES only, it is possible to add an unconfirmed journal entry to it until the end of January or a confirmed journal entry to the ledger PURCHASE with any date. The blockade applies only to the ledger SALES.

After confirming ledgers SALES and PURCHASE, until the end of January it is not possible to add journal entries to either of these ledgers with the date earlier than the last journal entry confirmed in those ledgers. [/example]


  • Checked parameter Numeration only in ledger
  • Parameter Ledger Numeration set to – Monthly

Journal entries in ledgers:

StatusNumber in General LedgerPosting Date
UnconfirmedB PURCHASE/2018/01/0101/25/2018
UnconfirmedB PURCHASE/2018/02/0202/10/2018
UnconfirmedB PURCHASE/2018/03/0103/01/2018

After confirming the ledger SALES, until the end of February it is possible to add an unconfirmed journal entry or a confirmed journal entry to the ledger PURCHASE with any date. It is also possible to add a journal entry to the ledger SALES with date 01.31.2018 or 02.28.2018. Posting of journal entries with other January of February dates will be blocked.

After confirming ledgers SALES and PURCHASE, until the end of January it is possible to post journal entries with date 01.31.2018 to both ledgers. Posting with other January dates will be blocked.


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