Object Availability panel is used to manage availability of objects dedicated for particular centers of the company rights structure. This functionality is available for users included in operator groups with granted permission Management of object availability in the rights structure. Permissions can be assigned to operator groups from the level of Configuration → Rights Structure → Operator Groups → tab Other Permissions.
Managing of object availability can be performed:
- globally for all the centers, in menu Configuration → Rights Structure → Object Availability
- locally, within a specific center, in menu Configuration → Rights Structure → center form → [Object Availability] button. The window of rights structure is not available from that level.
The panel of object availability is composed of the following sections:
- Rights structure ─ company structure tree with the possibility of adding columns, hidden by default, providing information about type and activity status of a center (the window is available from the level of Configuration → Rights Structure → Object Availability only).
- Objects ─ objects available for assigning to a given center. The list contains a column with object name and, in case of selecting a child center, parameter Get From Parent Center. If the parameter is checked, a child center “inherits” the values of objects from the parent center. Deactivating the parameter allows user for assigning manually values of objects to a child center. A column Area,
- List of values assigned to a selected type of object ─ in case of a parent company, centers of Company type and child centers with unchecked parameter Get From Parent Center, there are buttons [Attach]/[Detach] available in the menu, which allow for attaching or detaching a specific object from the list of values. Upon clicking [Attach], a list of objects defined in Comarch ERP Standard system opens, from which a given object should be selected with the use of [Select] button. Additionally, in case of some objects, there is button [Edit] available, which enables additional configuration of objects being attached. Button [Save] saves the entered changes for an object, whereas [Export To Spreadsheet] button allows for exporting data from the list to a spreadsheet.

Objects added to the system from the level of any structure center are automatically added to the parent company (root) and to the company (center of Company type) parent to the given center. Availability of those objects in other child centers (within the company) depends on setting of the parameter Get From Parent Center.
All objects defined in the system are displayed only in the parent company (root). From the level of a child center (while being logged-in to that center), a given list of objects, e.g., warehouses, contains objects attached to a company (center of Company type) which is parent to that center. Since the list includes also objects which are not attached directly to the center in which the list is displayed, their edition is limited, e.g., tab Stock Level Management is not provided for a warehouse not available in that center