Operations on inventory

Unconfirming an inventory

It is possible to unconfirm a confirmed inventory sheet with the use of [Unconfirm] button, which allows for opening a confirmed inventory with which are not associated any documents correcting discrepancies with status different than Canceled.

Unconfirming an inventory changes its status back to Unconfirmed. When unconfirming an inventory:

  • it is verified whether in the warehouse of the inventory being unconfirmed there is no other confirmed inventory – if it is, opening of the document is canceled
  • all confirmed inventory sheets of the given inventory are unconfirmed – their status changes to Unconfirmed (the status of canceled sheets remains without changes)
  • readouts present on the inventory are not unconfirmed

Copying an inventory

It is possible to copy inventories with the use of button [Copy] which allows for copying a document with status:

  • Confirmed
  • Canceled

It is not possible to copy an inventory, if:

  • its status is Unconfirmed
  • more than one document is marked on the list
  • in system configuration, parameter Inventory – control correctness of documents is checked and is selected the option: When confirming an inventory sheet or When adding an item to an inventory sheet.
  • there is an unconfirmed inventory for the same warehouse as the warehouse of the inventory being copied

The following elements are transferred when copying an inventory:

  • information from the header of an inventory document
  • inventory sheets with their items

The following elements are not transferred when copying an inventory:

  • readouts and actual and system quantities in sheets
  • dates of documents
  • center set in the inventory
  • setting of the parameter Block item sales
  • quantities in the column Current Operations
When adding/copying an inventory document, it is verified whether there is an unconfirmed inventory for the same warehouse. In case there is an unconfirmed inventory, the system displays appropriate question allowing a user to decide whether a new inventory for the same warehouse should be created.

Closing an inventory

It is possible to close an inventory with the use of button [Close] for an inventory for which:

  • all documents correcting discrepancies between system and actual quantity of inventoried items were already generated
  • there are no discrepancies

If an inventory has Unconfirmed status, it is not possible to:

  • generate discrepancy documents
  • open it
  • cancel documents correcting discrepancies


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