Permissions concerning VAT accounts

From the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → Other Permissions, it is possible to grant/withdraw permissions concerning VAT accounts to//from specific operator groups. In the system, there are four permissions referring to that area:

  • Change of VAT parameters on a confirmed VAT invoice – if checked, users assigned to a given operator group are permitted to change VAT parameters in a confirmed VAT invoice
  • Batch change in VAT accounts – for operators with this permission checked, option [Change] (in Single Batch) becomes available in the List group for VAT accounts
  • Change of parameters in a posted VAT invoice – for operators with this permission checked, it is possible to change VAT parameters and tax point date (date type, year and month, except for the parameter referring to VAT account) in the header and items of a posted invoice.
  • Change of VAT account in a posted VAT invoice – for operators with this permission checked, it is possible to change VAT account in posted VAT invoices and corrections of VAT invoices.

Permissions to change VAT parameters in a confirmed VAT invoice

This permission allows for changing VAT parameters in confirmed VAT invoices. If status Unconfirmed/Canceled has been activated and the permission to change VAT parameters has been granted to operators, a user is able to modify VAT parameters on a confirmed invoice. If this permission is unchecked, this operation will not be possible.

Permissions to change VAT parameters in a confirmed VAT invoice

Additionally, only if permission to change VAT parameters is granted, the option of batch change in VAT accounts is available.

In case of databases created in French language version, batch change of VAT accounts on a confirmed VAT invoices is blocked, even if appropriate permissions are granted and the full diagram of statuses is activated.

Permissions to batch change in VAT accounts and change of parameters or VAT account in a posted VAT invoice

Permissions regarding batch changes in VAT accounts and change of parameters in a posted VAT invoice as well as change of VAT account in a posted VAT invoice can be considered together as complementary elements.

The option [Change] in List button group in VAT Accounts menu is enabled only for operators with permission to batch change. Otherwise, this option is hidden.

Operators with permissions to change parameters in a posted VAT invoice are permitted to change VAT parameters and tax point date (type of date, year, and month, except of the parameter concerning VAT account) in invoice header and on its items. Otherwise, all controls mentioned above are greyed out.

Operators with granted permission for changing VAT account in a posted VAT invoice are only able to change VAT account in posted VAT invoices and corrections of VAT invoices. Other parameters of VAT invoice and its correction, except for the one concerning the account, are possible once permission Change of parameters in a posted VAT invoice is assigned to the operator. Additionally, only operators with permissions for changing VAT account in a posted VAT invoice and for performing batch change in VAT accounts can make batch changes in VAT accounts on a posted VAT invoice.

Operator permissions in the company structure


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