Predefined generic directories are grouped by the functional areas in which they are used. Detailed descriptions of each generic directory can be found in articles dedicated to particular functional areas.
- Attributes
- Processing of personal data
- Complaints
- Fixed assets
- Transactions
- Types of accounts
- Sales account printouts
- Purchase account printouts
- General
A part of this group is described in articles from <<Trade and Warehouse>> category. Other directories from this group:- Messenger Types – directory values used in customer’s contact data definition
- Position Types – values used when defining a contact person and specifying his/her association with a customer (Administrator, Director, Employee etc.)
- Title Types – titles used when defining a contact person, predefined values: Mr., Ms.
- Academic Title Types – values used when defining a contact person
- Attachment Types – values used when adding an attachment to an object. For an attachment type, the place of saving a file and maximum size, available extensions and the possibility of compression (Yes, No or option Test which allows for checking whether the result of file compression is satisfying) are defined
- Cost Types – values used in one of the BPM processes which specify types of cost related to business activity
- VAT Rate Groups – depending on the language of a database, parameters Active and Default are automatically checked for a given VAT rate group:PL – for database generated in Polish language
UK – for database generated in English language
DE – for database generated in German language
AT – for database generated in German (AT) language
FR – for database generated in French language
ES – for database generated in Spanish language
Only one group of VAT rates can be set as default. It is possible to activate selected groups at any moment and to change a default group setting. This directory is used for defining of VAT rates in a multi-company structure with regard to a company. Active directory values can be selected when defining a new center of Company type. - SAF-T Item Group (General directiories group) – values used on the form of CN code, retirieved from document item to JPK_V7M
- SAF-T Procedure Code (Transactions directories group) – values used on the form of CN code, retrieved from document item to JPK_V7M
- Languages – values used for objects for which it is possible to add translations, that is: attributes, items and directories. By default, the following languages are available in the directory: Polish, English, German, French, German and Spanish. A user can also add/delete new languages as well as modify names and activity status of the default ones. A deactivated language is not displayed on drop-down lists.
- Institution Types – used for defining new types of institutions in the system, e.g., City Hall or Customs Chamber. <<CRM>>.
In French language version of the system, there is also a dedicated directory Marking on Printouts, which refers to documents for released items only.