Process at pickup point

Process at pickup point

In the SO document header, Process at pickup point parameter has been added, which is presented if:

  • a pickup point of warehouse type is selected
  • a pickup point of center type is selected
SO document header
For databases converted from earlier versions, the parameter remains unchecked in all orders and it cannot be changed.

If in a SO, a pickup point of warehouse is indicated and the parameter Process at pickup point is checked, the verification of the compliance between the warehouse indicated in the order header and the warehouse being the pickup point is started. If they are:

  • compliant – the warehouse in the header and on subitems remains without changes
  • not compliant – the user is asked to confirm the change of the warehouse in the header and on subitems to a warehouse compliant with the pickup point. Depending on selected option:
    • Yes – if the warehouse associated with the pickup point is available on SO in the current center, it will be updated in the header and on SO subitems, resource/quantity/non-resource reservations are created and the parameter Process at pickup point remains checked.
If the warehouse associated with the pickup point is not available on SO in the current center, after the operator confirms the update, the warehouse is changed in the header and on subitems and the reservations generated by the subitems are automatically changed to reservations without resources.
    • No – the warehouse selected in the SO document is not updated, created reservations remain unchanged and the parameter Process at pickup point is unchecked.

If in a SO, a pickup point of warehouse is indicated and the parameter Process at pickup point is checked, the system checks whether the warehouse selected in the order header is available for the SO document in the center being the pickup point. If it is:

  • available – the parameter Process at pickup point remains checked
  • not available – the user is asked to confirm the deletion of the warehouse in the order header and of the reservations on its items. Depending on selected option:
    • YES – the parameter Process at pickup point is checked, the warehouse in the order header and on its subitems is deleted and all reservations are released.
    • NO – the document is not updated and the parameter Process at pickup point is unchecked
  • no warehouse is indicated (option <All> selected) – the system verifies whether the warehouses on orders subitems are available in the center indicated as pickup point:
  • are available or no warehouse is indicated – the parameter Process at pickup point remains checked
  • there is at least one unavailable warehouse – the system asks to confirm the continuation of the operation with the options described in the previous point

In case of changing the warehouse in the header of a SO document on which a pickup point of warehouse/center type is selected, it is verified whether the parameter Process at pickup point is checked on the document – if yes, the system asks to confirm the continuation of the operation. Once the order is accepted, the warehouse is updated in its header and on its subitems and the parameter Process at pickup point is unchecked.

Changing the setting of the parameter Process at pickup point on a confirmed document

The value of the parameter Process at pickup point can be changed on orders with confirmed status by an operator who belongs to an operator group with granted permission to edit SO documents and on orders with pending status for which an advance payment was issued but no other document was generated. In case of:

  • unchecking the parameter – the document is not additionally updated
  • checking the parameter – the system verifies the compliance of the warehouse (in the case of a pickup point of warehouse type) or its availability for the SO document in the center associated with the pickup point (in the case of a pickup point of center type)

In relation to introducing the above mentioned changes, conditions regarding the visibility of ZS have been changed. On the list of sales orders in a given center, documents that fulfill the following conditions, are displayed:

  • their owner is a center to which the user is currently logged-in
  • their owner is a center subordinated to the center to which the user is currently logged-in
  • the current center is attached in the tab Visibility on the SO document in the center that is the owner of the document
  • the current center is selected on the SO as the pickup point
  • a warehouse available on the SO in the current center is selected as the pickup point

Whereas in Comarch POS, on the list of sales orders, documents that fulfill the following conditions, are displayed:

  • the document belongs to the current center
  • the current center is selected on the SO as the pickup point
  • a warehouse available on the SO in the current center is selected as the pickup point



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