Process management

The activities in Process Management group are used for handling permissions.

Process Management activities category

Get Current Session

The activity retrieves an object containing information about the current session within which a process is being executed. Such session contains, e.g., information about the center with whose permissions the process is being executed.

Get Current Session activity

Get Session By ID

This activity allows for retrieving of any session on the basis of its ID.

Get Session By ID activity

Suspend Process

With the use of the Suspend Process activity, it is possible to suspend execution of a process for a determined time. When a process is suspended, the BPM server queued is released, which allows for starting next process. An important property of the activity is the fact that after process suspension its status is saved in database. It is strictly related to the parameter Continuation of interrupted instances, which is described in article Advanced settings.

Suspend Process activity
Before suspending a process it is recommended to set variables to null, if it is possible. It is a good practice which allows for saving memory resources.
It is not possible to use the activity Suspend Process in a local process.

Execute with Permissions

By default, a process is executed with the permissions of the operator and center set for that BPM process (global processes) or of the Comarch ERP Standard application (local processes). To be able to execute a part of a process with permissions of another center and/or operator, it is necessary to use the Execute with Permissions activity.

Execute with Permissions activity



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