In definitions of warehouse document types for released items – SOR, IR-, WM- (Configuration → Company Structure → Company → Documents → SOR/IR-/WM- document type editing) parameter Reserve resources in unconfirmed documents is provided.
The parameter is available for editing upon checking parameter Handle quantity reservation in warehouse documents.

In case if in definition of warehouse document type (SOR, IR-, WM-) parameter Reserve resources in unconfirmed documents is:
- checked – current system operation is maintained, that is, item from particular delivery is reserved in warehouse document (SOR, IR-, WM-)
- unchecked – upon adding an item onto a document, quantity reservation is created. A subitem of such a document does not have fields filled in in columns: Delivery Date, Document, Source Document and Purchase Value/Acquisition Value is equal to 0. In order to associate a given document item with delivery, click on the button [Assign Delivery]. Such action is possible for documents with Initiated/Unconfirmed status.
When confirming a warehouse document which still includes quantity reservation, that reservation type is changed into resource reservation and resources as retrieved according to queueing method.
Depending of place in which button [Assign Delivery] is used, a delivery is associated with:
- document – if the button is selected from document list level
- item – if the button is selected from item list level
- subitem – if the button is selected from the level of item details/delivery change panel
Depending on value of parameter Reserve resources in unconfirmed documents, when generating a warehouse document from an order, if the parameter is:
- checked and order subitems are associated with:
- a resource – the reservation is transferred onto warehouse document according to lot and delivery from order document
- a quantity reservation – reservation is made in warehouse document according to queueing method
- a non-blocking reservation (reservation without resources) – reservation is made in warehouse document according to queueing method; for such subitems the reservation is made at the end
- unchecked and order subitems are associated with:
- a resource – the reservation is transferred onto warehouse document according to lot and delivery from order document
- a quantity reservation – quantity reservation on given item/item lot is transferred onto warehouse document
- a non-blocking reservation (reservation without resources) – quantity reservation is made in warehouse document
In case if quantity reservation is created in a document, the margin is calculated on the basis of given quantity and last purchase price (the system analyses all confirmed PI documents including given item to determine which item date of receipt is the latest). Details regarding margin calculation can be found in article Margin control.
Delivery change FIFO/LIFO
In case of changing delivery in a confirmed document:
- within the same lot – change is not made because there is no association with delivery
- within different lots – it is possible to make change if the whole item quantity within a given delivery is available
In case of changing delivery in an unconfirmed document:
- within the same lot – change is not made because there is no association with delivery
- within different lots – change of deliveries is made for available quantity of a given lot
Canceling a document
When canceling/correcting a POR document, the system verifies whether reservations (resource and quantity reservations) of an item (including individual lots) do not exceed that item quantity in a warehouse. In such case (reservations are greater than the quantity remaining after the document is canceled) the system blocs the possibility of canceling the document.