Section Parameters

Section Parameters is composed of three areas:

Components is the section in which components included in the calculation of the IQC are defined. In the case of unchecking a parameter (in the column next to a relevant component) and clicking on button [Recalculate], the corresponding column will be deleted from the list of merchandise and the balance will be recalculated without including the selected component.

Components of IQC document

Components correspond to the following columns in the list of merchandise:

Next to each of the components its corresponding quantity in the table of items, which relates to the item marked in the list, is displayed.

Section Documents is strictly linked to the section Components.

In this section the source documents of the type indicated in the area Components for an item marked in the list of merchandise, are displayed. It presents the numbers of documents and the quantity of an item from a given document.

Section Documents

Section Parameters is intended for defining a time interval on the basis of which an IQC is to be created, the values of planned inventory as well as warehouses included in the IQC.

Section Parameters
  • Date of Issue – date of creating an IQC, not subject to edition
  • End Date – defines the maximum date for documents included in an IQC
  • Planned inventory – allows defining whether an IQC is to be calculated for the minimum or optimal planned inventory
  • Separate calculation for each warehouse – the value of this parameter is retrieved from definition of IQC document, but it can be changed directly in a document form

Upon checking parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse, column Warehouse appears in Items section on the list. Upon unchecking the parameter, the column is automatically hidden and the ICQ is recalculated. If the parameter is checked, then after adding an item onto IQC, that item is included separately for each warehouse. It is not possible to change value of Separate calculation for each warehouse parameter if an item has been added onto IQC.

Parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is checked on IQC document.

The list of warehouses includes: Main Warehouse, Complaint Warehouse, Outlet Warehouse

Situation 1:

Item BZKD is added onto IQC, it is presented in three separate rows:


Situation 2:

Item BKZD with feature white/S and black/M is added onto IQC, it is presented in the following way:


List of warehouses contains warehouses whose resources are included in the calculation. In a newly added IQC document, these are warehouses set as default in the IQC document definition.

Several default warehouses can be associated with an IQC document.

If the parameter Separate calculation for each warehouse is checked, quantity for individual components of IQC is calculated individually for each warehouse.

The last column on the list of warehouses in section Parameters is column Reservations without Specified Warehouse. Depending if parameter in this column for a given warehouse is:

  • checked – quantities of items which have option <All> (reservations without resources) selected in subitems of orders are included in item quantity calculation for a warehouse for which the parameter is checked
  • unchecked – quantities of items which have option <All> (reservations without resources) selected in subitems of orders are not included in for a warehouse for which the parameter is unchecked

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