General information
Numeration series can make part of a document numerator and allows for maintaining the appropriate numeration of documents. This is particularly essential when there are more points of sale attached in the rights structure. In such case, each workstation should have its own series to be able to check where a given document was issued. In order to open the list of series, from the menu Configuration and the Documents list of buttons, select the button [Series].

The menu of the list of series contains standard buttons allowing for adding/deleting/saving and refreshing items on the list.

The list is composed of the following columns:
- Code ─ numeration series code, visible in the numerator containing the series
- Name ─ numeration series name
- Type ─ drop-down list allowing for selecting the type of numeration series, available values: Local and Distant
- Active ─ if the parameter is checked, it is possible to use a series on a document
- Application ─ drop-down list allowing for determining whether a given series is to be used in the system or as a series identifying a POS workstation. Available values: Comarch ERP Standard and POS
Defining a numeration series
In order to define a numeration series, click on the button [Add], placed in the main menu or directly above the list of numerations. After that, a new, empty row will appear on the list of series. Fields Code and Name are mandatory. The value of the code must be unique. The parameter Active is checked by default and can be unchecked at any moment during the work with the system. Field Application can be edited until a series is saved.
Attaching series to the centers of company strucutre

In order to attach a series to many document types within a given center, it is necessary to open the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Objects Availability. Then, on the list Rights Structure, mark a given center and on the List of objects, Series item. Then, on the right side, a list of numerations series is presented. With the use of buttons available in the main menu or above the list, it is possible to attach/detach selected series. On the form of series edition (button [Edit] in the main menu or in the panel above the list of series), it is possible to select documents for which a given series is to be applied.
Series can be also assigned to particular document types within a given center. In order to do so, it is necessary to open the menu Configuration → Company Structure → Rights Structure → edition form of selected center.

To attach a series to selected document type, it is necessary to open the tab Documents, and then the edition form of selected document type, where tab Series is available. In the tab, with the use of [Attach] and [Detach] buttons available in the main menu or above the list of series, it is possible to attach and detach series of document numerations defined in the system.