The split payment mechanism (SPM) needs to be obligatorily applied in relation to item deliveries and provision of services within the responsibility of a customer. The mechanism applies to payments whose one-off value (regardless of the number of related payments) is equal to or higher than 15000 PLN.
If the parameter Split payment under Polish law has been selected for the company in the previous versions of a converted database, the field Handle split payment according to Polish regulations is filled in with the value In accounting module. In this case, the mechanism is handled as before, and the parameter settings for payments are retrieved directly from relevant customer/vendor forms.
Configuration of the split payment mechanism
In order to activate the SPM, it is necessary to:
- Select the parameter Handle split payment according to Polish regulations on the company form
- Select the parameter Split payment on a customer/vendor form – if the SPM is to be handled for that customer/vendor
- Select the parameter Split payment on an item form – if the SPM is to be handled for that item
Handling a split payment in a document
Documents which may apply the split payment mechanism include:
- Orders
- Advance invoices and their corrections
- Invoices (both generated from a document and issued manually) and their corrections
- VAT invoices and their corrections
The Split payment parameter is automatically selected while saving/confirming a trade document if:
- In the company configuration, the section Handle split payment according to Polish regulations is assigned the value In accounting and trade modules
- The field Transaction Type is assigned the value National
- Reverse charge is not handled for any document item
- The final total document value in the system currency is greater than or equal to 15000
The Split payment parameter can be selected manually both in sales and purchase documents if:
- The field Transaction Type is assigned the value National
- Reverse charge is not handled for any document item
Selecting the Split payment parameter in the document header automatically selects the Split payment parameter for all document payments which are assigned the system currency PLN.
The operator can check which document items have parameter Split payment checked by using an additional column available on the list of items of:
- SO
- PO

The column can be selected regardless of the setting of the Handle split payment according to Polish regulations parameter in the company configuration and its value is presented in read only mode.
Document generation
When generating documents, the setting of the Split payment parameter is automatically transferred in the case of the following generation processes:
- ASI/SI from SO
- API/PI from PO
- SI from a sales order that has the Split payment parameter selected and to which an advance has been generated
In the case of other generation processes, the parameter’s value is not automatically transferred into a document being generated. However, if the document meets the requirements of the obligatory application of the split payment mechanism, the parameter is selected automatically.