SQL Activities

SQL Activities category contains categories executing operations directly on a database.


SQL Activities activities category

Create Row Adapter

The activity is used for creating SqlRecordAdapter object from IDataReader object, which allows for an easier analysis of an SQL query results.

Create Row Adapter activity

Suppress Transaction Scope

After using this activity, all operations within it are executed beyond a transaction, which means that in case an execution error occurs, a current object status will be saved in a database and no changes will be undone.

Suppress Transaction Scope activity
If a global process is started from a local process, then Start BPM Process activity should be placed in the Suppress Transaction Scope activity.

Execute SQL

The activity allows for executing an SQL query on a company database from which a process is started. Input parameters can be transferred to such query and data can be retrieved to variables with the use of output parameters.

Activity Execute SQL
Execute SQL activity parameters

Execute in Transaction

Using of this activity opens an internal transaction in an already existing transaction of a BPM process. Changes introduced by means of the activity to a database will be canceled in case and error (exception) occurs during its execution.

Execute in Transaction activity

Execute SQL Query

This activity allows for executing an SQL query analogic to the Execute SQL. Additionally, for each returned row, with the use of a query, it is possible to define specific transactions.

Execute SQL Query activity

Besides the activities described for Execute SQL Query, it allows for creating a list of objects of a given type and adding to it objects on the basis of rows which are results of an SQL query.


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