Payment order is a non-cash bank reconciliation form, in Europe known as direct-debit. This form of payment is basically used in recurring transactions. Payment order regarding a payment of Receivable type – a part initiating payment is creditor.
Configuration settings
From the level of System → Configuration → Data Exchange → in section Transfers it is possible to select exchange file directory for the Statement of Payment Orders document. Then, the path is set as default on the SPO document form.
List of statements of payment orders
The list of statements of payment orders is available from the level of the menu Finances, under the [Statements] button.

The list contains standard buttons and, additionally:
[File] – used for generating an SPO file to the exchange file directory indicated in the system configuration
The list Statements of payment orders is composed of the following columns:
- Document – system number of the SPO document, in accordance with the numerator definition
- Date of Issue
- Number of Transfer Orders – number of statement items
- Value – total of values of all items
- Status – SPO document status The column can take on one of the following values: Initiated, Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Canceled, Sent
- File – name and access path to the generated file
- Description
- Currency – system currency of a company in which the document has been issued
Detailed description of functioning of the filters can be found in category Searching and filtering data>
Adding statement of payment orders
Statement of payment orders is added in the same way as statement of remittance orders. Detailed description of the process can be found in article Statements of remittance orders.
Exporting statements to a file
Export of a statement of payment orders to a file is performed the same way as in the case of the statement of remittance orders which is described in Statements of remittance orders.