The statistics feature makes it possible to verify the weight/volume of all or selected document items. In order to check statistics, it is necessary to select the button [Statistics] available in the following documents:
- SI, R, and their generated and manual corrections
- PI and their generated and manual corrections
- POR, SOR, IR+, IR-, and their corrections
- IO, WM-, WM+, PC
Selecting the button [Statistics] displays an additional window, where the user may verify the weight/volume of document items.
The window header displays:
- Net Weight – the sum of items’ net weight presented in the basic unit of mass
- Gross Weight – the sum of items’ gross weight presented in the basic unit of mass
- Volume – the sum of items’ volume presented in the basic unit of volume
The Items list is composed of the following columns:
- Document – a document in which a given list item is included
- No. – an item number
- Code – an item code retrieved from a document
- Name – an item name retrieved from a document
- Quantity – quantity on document item along with the symbol of the unit used on the document
- Quantity in Basic Unit – quantity in basic unit on document item along with the symbol of the basic unit assigned to the item
- Net Weight – a net weight retrieved from a document item, presented in the applied unit of mass
- Gross Weight – a gross weight retrieved from a document item, presented in the applied unit of mass
- Volume – a volume retrieved from a document item, presented in the applied unit of volume
In the case of document items for which weights/volumes are not indicated, the system calculates their values on the basis of the item form.
A summary row is also displayed, by default, in the statistics window.