Option Configuration, available in the tab System, allows for determining of global parameters of Comarch ERP Standard.
Permissions to the system configuration available from the level of System → Configuration are assigned with the use of the parameter Access to system configuration, which is available in the tab Other Permissions of the form of operator groups accessible from the level of Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups.
The system configuration window is divided into tabs dedicated to different areas of system parameterization.
The configuration window is composed of the tabs:
- <<BI Module>>
- <<General>>
- <<Computer>>
- <<Computer>>
- <<Accounting>>
- <<Fixed Assets>>
- <<Trade>>
- <<Receipt Printer>>
- <<Collector>>
- <<Scales>>
- <<Label printing scale>>
- <<Payment terminal>>
- <<Search engine>>
- <<Data exchange>>
- About Program − information regarding Comarch ERP Standard system, e.g. program version, configuration and company database version, compilation number, date of production.