Value corrections in intercompany transactions

Within intercompany transactions, it is possible to issue value corrections in the following paths:

  • SOR → POR
  • SI → PI

Documents SIVC→SORVC and PIVC→PORVC are generated automatically upon confirming a SIVC/PIVC document. An exception is made for SOR documents which have not been invoiced yet.

In case an error related to generating SORVC/PORVC occurs, e.g., because of the lack of the permissions to objects belonging to another company, the system block also the possibility of confirming SIVC/PIVC and displays an appropriate message.

Automatically generated opposite corrections belong, like the other documents issued with the use of intercompany transactions, belong to a company/center selected in Intercompany transaction tab, available in the company form:

Tab Intercompany transactions in the company form

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