VAT invoice generated to a trade document

VAT invoices are generated automatically through confirmation of a sales or purchase trade document, as well as value or quantity correction generated to such document. Such VAT invoices are created automatically on the basis of a source document and are registered in appropriate sales or purchase account (default for a given document type or assigned to the series), inheriting settings from definition of that account.

If for parameter Type in account definition one of the following options is selected: Merchandises, Services, Costs, Fixed Assets, Means of Transport, Real Estate, Services payable to customer, then VAT invoice inherits this setting regardless of what type of items (merchandise, service) are registered in a trade document to which this invoice was generated.

If for parameter Type in account definition the option Merchandises/Services is selected, then on the automatically generated VAT invoice, standard division of items into those related to the merchandise and those associated with the service is made. This division is made according to item form type (merchandise, service) used in a trade document. In the VAT invoice, items are grouped according to type and therefore, the invoice will include one item of Merchandise type and one of Service type, regarding a given tax rate.

In a Sales Invoice trade document, there are two items with the same VAT rate – 23%, one of Merchandise type, the other of Service type

Variant A

  • ParameterType in default account definition is set to Merchandise
  • After the sales invoice is confirmed, VSI contains one item of Merchandise type

Variant B

  • Parameter Type in default account definition is set to Merchandises/Services

After the sales invoice is confirmed, VSI contains two items: one of Merchandise type, the other of Service type.


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