Cash flows

The Cash Flows tab of the Summary window presents cash flows for a given session, along with the following information:

  • Cash Beginning Balance section – displays the amount entered at the start of the day; also, the section presents the following details:
    • Difference at the Start of Day – the difference between the beginning balance and the actual balance at the start of the day
    • Deposit at the Start of Day – the amount of a deposit made at the start of the day
  • Deposits section:
    • Sales – deposits resulting from sales
    • Manual Deposits – deposits made manually
    • Total – the sum of deposits
  • Withdrawals section:
    • Returns – displays withdrawals resulting from returns
    • Manual Withdrawals – withdrawals entered manually
    • Total – the sum of withdrawals
  • Current Cash Balance – only available for the current session
  • Ending Balance Before Withdrawal – available for an ended session
  • Difference at the End of Day – available for an ended session
  • Withdrawn Cash – the amount withdrawn at the end of the day; available for an ended session
  • Ending Balance After Withdrawal – the sum of the ending balance before withdrawal and the amount of the withdrawn cash; available for an ended session
Cash Flows tab

The Cash Flows tab contains the following buttons:

  • [Clear Filters] – clears the date and session filters
  • [Refresh] – refreshes data presented in the summary
  • [End Day] – opens the End of Day window, allowing you to count the actual cash register balance before confirming the end of the day

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