You can quickly access the core features of the application from any open view. It is possible thanks to the [Menu] button available in the top left corner of each view.
Using the navigation drawer button in the top left corner, you can expand the side menu. It allows you to switch between the application views. Available views include:
- [Main Panel] – returns to the main panel of the application
- [New Transaction] – opens the view of a new trade document
- [Items] – opens the item list
- [Customers] – opens the customer list
- [Trade Documents] – opens the list of trade documents
- [Reports and Payments] – opens the summary of cash transactions
- [Theme Configuration] – opens the UI customization view
- [End Day] – opens the End of Day view
- [Change Language] – allows choosing a different interface language
- [User Information] – displays detailed information about the logged-in user
- [Log Out] – logs the logged-in user out of the application