New functionalities in version 2025.0

Comarch webPOS Standard

Comarch webPOS Standard version 2025.0 cooperates with Comarch ERP Enterprise version 6.3.


The existing functionality of receipts has been extended with new parameters and behaviors. The new parameters allow you to use the following features:

  • Type of VAT aggregation
  • Printing of payment confirmations on a receipt printer
  • Discount bundle mode for receipts
New receipt window

The unspecified customer has been hidden from the new document creation view. Such a customer is added to documents if no specific customer is selected.

In the new receipt view, it is now also possible to edit a customer selected in the document, as well as the customer’s address and contact persons. In addition, it is possible to enter a secondary customer in the document if the primary customer is not the order recipient.

You can now also edit the name of a document item and open its preview.

Another new feature makes it possible to enter a receipt description. This makes it easier to identify a receipt and specify the nature of the transaction.

Additionally, you can now apply header discounts and coupons and make use of attributes. To do this, make sure that appropriate settings are defined in the ERP system.

Payment window

The payment window has been expanded to include a tile containing detailed information about the issued document, such as:

  • Customer – information about the customer entered in the trade document
  • Document Details – information about the applied discounts
  • Payment Details – information about the selected payment forms
  • Change – information on change
Payment window

Printing options

In response to the expectations of clients in the French market and regulatory requirements, it is now possible to print documents from the application.

As of August 1, 2023, retailers in France no longer have to print receipts, acknowledgement documents, or shopping vouchers for every transaction made at their points of sale. Instead, the law requires that these documents be printed only at the customer’s request.

Available printing options include:

  • Printing a sales document
  • Printing a sales document and sending the document by e-mail
  • Sending a sales document by e-mail
  • Skipping the printing/sending option

In addition, it is possible to update the e-mail address of a customer and send the document once to an address other than the one indicated on the customer’s form.

Printing options

Adaptation to the NF525 standard applicable in the French market

In accordance with French law, the application has been adapted to meet the requirements of the NF525 standard.

As of January 1, 2018, taxpayers who record customer payments using accounting or management software or a cash register system must use compatible software that meets certain conditions. These conditions concern the immutability, security, maintenance, and archiving of data for the purposes of tax administration audits. To this end, they must present a certificate issued by an accredited institution or an individual issuer’s certification according to a format established by the administration.

To support this, the following features have been introduced:

  • Generation of digital signatures
  • Generation of Grand Total reports
  • Registration of JET log (special event log)
  • Generation of Archive Period files
  • Printout history

Cash deposit/withdrawal documents

The application now allows you to create cash deposit and withdrawal (CD/CW) documents. To view deposit and withdrawal data, tap the [Cash Register Documents] tile in the main menu or select the [Cash Register Documents] button from the side menu.

List of CD/CW documents

In the list of CD/CW documents, you can:

  • Display the list of all CD/CW documents
  • Search for a CD/CW document by its number
  • Filter and sort the list
  • Generate a new CD/CW document
  • Refresh the list


The application now supports the use of coupons. In the new document view, there is a dedicated section that allows you to apply a selected coupon. You can add a coupon to the document by scanning its code or selecting it from the list in the Coupons section.

Coupons section in new document view

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