Grand Total reports

In order to open the list of Grand Total reports, select the [Grand Totals] tile in the main panel of the application.

[Grand Totals] tile in main panel
The list of Grand Total reports displays information concerning all reports except for the Continuous Grand Total:

  • Number
  • Type
  • Status
  • Value (total)
  • Continuous Sum
  • Closing Date
List of Grand Total reports

The list allows you to sort reports in ascending/descending order by any column.

The application supports basic Grand Total reports:

  • GTD – Grand Total Daily
  • GTM – Grand Total Monthly
  • GTA – Grand Total Annual

In addition, it is possible to register:

  • Grand Total Ticket (GTT)
  • Perpetual Report

Starting or ending the day initiates the opening or closing of the basic Grand Total reports.

Selecting the number of a report in the list of Grand Totals allows you to preview the report’s details.

Report details

The preview of a created report displays the following information:

  • Report Number
  • Type
  • Opening Date and Time
  • Closing Date and Time
  • Closed by

Grand Total Daily

The Grand Total Daily report contains sales data for a given calendar day. The maximum duration of the report is from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59. Opening and closing the daily report is mandatory – you cannot issue documents outside its period.

The report is opened when a new day starts on the webPOS workstation. The end of the day is equivalent to the closing of the GTD report. Once a report is closed, it is not possible to reopen it, but it is possible to open another report on the same day.

According to NF 525, the Grand Total Daily report is automatically created for days when there were no sales (e.g. when the store was closed or the workstation was not used).


  • On June 1 (Friday), the webPOS workstation operated in the usual way, since it was a regular working day.
  • On June 2 (Saturday), the workstation was not used due to low traffic.
  • On June 3 (Sunday), the store was closed.

When a new report was opened on June 4 (Monday), the reports for June 2 and 3 were automatically generated. The transaction amount for these days equaled 0.

Grand Total Monthly

For the monthly report, the same rules apply as for the daily report. Each GTM report is opened automatically on the first day of the month at 00:00:00 and closed on the last day at 23:59:59.

The exception is the first report, which is generated from the first start of the day after the installation of the application or its upgrade to a version that includes the reporting function.

Grand Total Annual

The annual report can be created based on:

  • Calendar year
  • Company’s financial year

Information on the period start date should be defined in the ERP system. Each GTA report is opened automatically on the first day of the year (or financial year) at 00:00:00 and closed on the last day at 23:59:59.

Grand Total Ticket

The GTT report is created for each sales document issued on the webPOS workstation.

Perpetual Report

The perpetual report stores information on the sum of payments for documents from the beginning of the reporting period. This report is neither printed, nor displayed in the user interface. The report is opened from the moment the application is installed or upgraded to a version that includes the reporting function. It cannot be closed.

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