- Base price – non-editable price of one item unit before the calculation of discounts
- Cash register counting – verification of an actual cash register balance considering all denominations
- Customer – client participating in a transaction
- Data synchronization service – service responsible for the synchronization of data between the webPOS workstation and the ERP system
- Data update – synchronization of data between the ERP system and the webPOS workstation
- Discount – reduction in price of an item/service
- Drawer – a point of sale compartment used to store money
- End of day – completion of a sales day after cash register counting
- Filters – function that allows users to limit objects/data items displayed in a list to those that meet a specified condition
- Image – picture presenting an item
- Interface – visual space where interactions between users and the application occur
- Item – product or service subject to sales/purchase
- Message – notification displayed when an error occurs or when it is necessary to additionally confirm an action to be performed by a user
- Notification – message not blocking the interface, displayed on the right side of the window, informing about different types of events
- Parking lot – button used to save documents as unconfirmed in order to complete them at a later time
- Payment terminal – device used to communicate with charge cards when processing a transaction at a point of sale
- Payment window – window that allows processing payments made with available payment forms
- Receipt – document confirming a purchase
- Receipt printer – device recording revenues generated by retail sales for the needs of tax settlements (income tax and VAT)
- Regular price – editable price of one item unit before the calculation of discounts
- Sorting – organization of list items by a specified feature/value
- Start of day – procedure beginning operations on the workstation on a given day; at the start of day, users need to calculate a cash register balance to be able to issue trade documents
- Summary of the day – presentation of basic information on the current cash register balance (on different dates), sales summary, and cash flow
- Synchronization – data update processed between the ERP system and the webPOS workstation
- Theme – set of elements that characterize the graphic design
- Trade documents – receipts issued on the webPOS workstation
- Unconfirmed documents – documents having the status Unconfirmed, saved as drafts. Such documents can be continued later or on another webPOS workstation.
- User discount – discount granted by a user