In Comarch ERP XL it is possible to fiscalise a sales advance payment invoice (in domestic trade). Fiscalisation of the first advance payment invoice is independent of the VAT calculation method setting on the source order (net/gross).
The selection of the parameter: VAT from – Gross/Net is affected by the setting of this option on the definition of the document: Sales order. The option is checked in the Parameters tab. This setting is default, changing it will be possible until the time the document is approved.
After generating a sales advance payment invoice, on the VAT tab, select the parameter: Fiscal. When checked on the first advance payment invoice, this parameter will be copied to subsequent advance payment invoices generated from the order and to the final invoice if it includes advance payment invoices.
If the first advance payment invoice was fiscalised then all subsequent invoices and the final invoice also must be fiscalised.
When approving the advance payment/final invoice, a receipt is printed. In case of:
- advance payment invoice – the items will be printed according to the VAT table of the document,
- final invoice – the items of the VAT table will be printed grouped by a rate that is amounts minus advance payments. Under the list of items there will be a printout of the table of VAT calculation for total values, the table for the values from advance payment invoices, and then the table for the final invoice, being the result of the previous ones.
If the advance payment invoices were fiscalised, VAT on the final invoice is calculated from gross. Otherwise, it is calculated in accordance with the setting of the order.
Fiscalisation of an advance payment/final invoice can also be performed in the module: Sale, after selecting from the menu: Fiscal, the option: Document re-fiscalisation. This option has been provided in case for some reason the advance payment/final invoice cannot be fiscalised.