
List of offices

The list displays a list of tax offices, customs offices, branches of social insurance institution (ZUS) and other. To open it, from the menu: List, select the following item: Offices.

In the window there are four tabs for which the criterion is the type of the office. Each tab has the same column layout divided into: acronym, customs office code, name, city and phone number.

Each tab contains the following functions:

fd  [Offices import] – allows for import of xml file with the list of offices.

 [Add] – used to register data of the new office and adding it to the list of offices.

[Change] – used to view and modify the data of the registered office.

 [Delete] – used to delete the data of the selected office.

Creating and adding data of a new office can be done when clicking:   [Add]. A window will then open: Tax Office (or other office depending on the tab, on which a new office is added).

List of offices, tab Tax Offices
List of offices, tab Tax Offices

Window: Tax Office (Social Insurance Institution, Customs Office, other offices)

Window: Tax Office has the same tabs as the windows of other offices (ZUS – Social Insurance Institution, customs office, other offices). There are differences only in the items on the Accounts tab and these are due to the different specificities of these offices. These differences will be discussed when describing the Accounts tab.

Tab: General

The tab contains fields for entering basic address data of the registered office.

Moreover, on the tab there are the following functions:

 [Send letter] – this function is active if, in the following field: Email, the email address is entered. Clicking enables the sending of email message to the indicated address.

 [Go to website] – this function is active if, in the following field: URL, the website address of the office website is entered. By clicking this button, the user can open this website.

Tax Office, tab: General
Tax Office, tab: General

In the window: Customs office, in the field: Customs office code, the following shall be entered:

for Customs office, the code of the customs office with a prefix

for Customs chamber the code without a prefix.

Tab: Accounting

The tab defines the accounting accounts used to post the amounts related to a particular office.

More information on accounts is available in the module documentation: Accounting, Chapter: Chart of accounts.

Tax Office, tab: Accounting

Tab: Accounts

On the tab, the account numbers of the registered office can be entered. This facilitates subsequent payments, for example when a payment is made to the tax office’s account for goods and services tax.

The tab contains the following functions:

 [Add] – used to add a new account for settlements with the office being edited

[Change] – used to view and modify account data.

 [Delete] – deletes the added account

Creating and adding data of a new account can be done when clicking:   [Add]. A window will then open: Tax office’s bank account.

Tab: Accounts, in the window: Tax Office

On the tab in this window it is possible to add account numbers for payments for particular types of tax specified in the drop-down list “Type” of the account to be added.

Tab: Accounts, in the window: ZUS office

On the tab in this window it is possible to add account numbers for payments for particular types of insurance specified in the drop-down list “Type” of the account to be added.

Tax office’s bank account
Tax office’s bank account

Tab: Accounts, in the window: Customs office and other offices

On the tab in this window the accounts are not marked; when adding an account only the type “Other” is available

Tab: Description

On the tab there is a field used to enter the description of a given office.

Tax Office, tab: Description
Tax Office, tab: Description

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