Contractors and goods properties

Contractors/goods properties

The window is a kind of a dictionary, which contains lists of properties assigned to a specific class, characterising contractors/goods. The list of classes is displayed in left panel of the window, and names of values assigned to particular class are displayed in the right panel of the window, after selecting a class they belong to.

Dictionary makes COMARCH ERP XL system easier to use, because by defining certain terms, it shortens the time of registering contractors/goods. The user then does not have to type a concept each time it is needed, but selects it from a defined (in the window: Contractors properties) list of terms.

The window contains the following functions:

g [Add property class] – is used to add a new class, which is then placed in the left panel of the window, to which the user can then add values.

[Add] – is used to add a property value to a given class. The new name will be displayed in the right panel of the window.

 [Change] – allows to preview data in the item selected in the window.

f [Delete] – removes the item selected in the window.

 [End] – closes the window.

Contractors properties
Contractors properties

Class value

The window is used to determine the class to which later values of properties will be assigned. To open this window, in the following window: Contractors properties, click:  g  [Add property class].

Class value
Class value

The window contains the following fields:

Format. This field is used to select the format in which the value for the class will be saved. It can be a value expressed in text, digits and also digits with decimal places. Selection is done by clicking:   [Select format].

Class. Used to enter the name of the class.

From the list:

leaving the field unchecked will make it possible to use both the value defined in the window: Contractors properties, as well as from the value so far not included in the list;

ticking will cause that during the selection of the class value for a given contractor only the items from the list of properties defined in the window: Contractors properties will be available. The user will be able, in a specific case (when entering or modifying contractor data), to enter a different value than the one defined in the list of values, and the system will then ask whether to enter a new item on the list.

Checking the box will also activate the field: Closed.

Closed. Checking the field will make it impossible to add new value to the list of values in a window other than: Contractors properties.

After entering the data, they must be saved by clicking:  [Save changes].

Properties value

The window is used to determine the new value of properties and adding it to the list of contractors properties.

Properties value
Properties value


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