List of bans

In the window: List of bans, a list of bans is displayed, from which bans for a position or operator are selected. The list contains the name, description, and also the format of the ban, which determines the possibility of its editing. The window can be opened by:

clicking:   [Add ban], in the window: Post, in the tab: Bans, or by

clicking:   [Add ban], in the window: Operator, on the tab: Bans.

In the window, the information is displayed in three columns:

Name – name of the ban.

Description – contents of the ban.

Format – format of the ban: Form or List. Bans determined as: Form will be displayed in the list of selected bans in red. For the procedure of the type: Form, a more detailed ban can be determined, detailing the specific action: adding, deleting, change, and preview.

To select a given ban, click it by assigning it a:   sign next to the selected item and then click:   [Confirm]. The selected ban is displayed in the list of bans for the post or operator. If a ban on the list is unchecked, it will be removed from the list of bans on the operator’s card. The [Change] button opens the ban mode window for editing.

List of bans
List of bans


The list of bans can also be opened from the Lists menu in the Administrator module.

List-type ban

List-type ban, General
List-type ban, General


On the General tab, there is information on the name and the description. Button  [Close the window] – closes the window.

List-type ban, Operators
List-type ban, Operators


On the Operators tab, with the use of  [Add] button, the user can add an operator. Once the button is clicked, the Operators window will open. Button   [Change] – is used to preview the ban parameters. Button   [Delete] – is used to delete the operator from the list. Button  [Close the window] – closes the window.

List-type ban, Positions
List-type ban, Positions


On the Positions tab, with the use of  [Add] button, the user can add a post. Once the button is clicked, the Positions window will open. Button   [Change] – is used to preview the ban parameters. Button   [Delete] – is used to delete the position from the list. Button  [Close the window] – closes the window.

Additionally, from version 2018.2 of Comarch ERP XL, an additional ban option is available: Block export to Excel. This parameter is available for each ban in a separate column (Block export to Excel). If the parameter is not checked, the ban applies to the entire list. If the parameter is checked, the access block for the list does not work, but only the execution of the export to the worksheet is allowed.

Form-type ban

Form-type ban, General
Form-type ban, General


On the General tab there is information on the name of the ban.

Form-type ban, Operators
Form-type ban, Operators


On the Operators tab, with the use of  [Add] button, the user can add an operator. Once the button is clicked, the Operators window will open. Button   [Change] – is used to preview the ban parameters. Button   [Delete] – is used to delete the operator from the list. Button  [Close the window] – closes the window.

Block operations on form – Add/Delete/Modify/View – allows setting individual operator bans on the form

Block operations on attributes – Add/Delete/Modify/View – allows setting individual operator bans for attributes on the form

 [Serial change of procedure ban mode] – change for all selected operators

Additionally, from version 2018.2 of Comarch ERP XL, an additional ban option is available: Block export to Excel. This parameter is available for each ban in a separate column (Block export to Excel). If the parameter is not checked, the ban applies to the operations indicated in the ban window. If the parameter is checked, in addition to the operations indicated in the ban window, the execution of the export to the spreadsheet is also blocked. If the block applies to the form preview operation, then setting an export block will not make sense.

Form-type ban, Positions tab
Form-type ban, Positions tab


On the Positions tab, with the use of  [Add] button, the user can add a post. Once the button is clicked, the Positions window will open. Button   [Change] – is used to preview the ban parameters. Button   [Delete] – is used to delete the position from the list. Button  [Close the window] – closes the window

Block operations on form – Add/Delete/Modify/View – allows setting position bans on the form

Block operations on attributes – Add/Delete/Modify/View – allows setting position bans for attributes on the form

 [Serial change of procedure ban mode] – change for all selected positions.

Bans concerning advanced operations

Bans on advanced operations refer to a set of activities that will be impossible for the operator, for whom such bans are imposed, to perform. Due to the complex nature of these bans, the activities covered are listed below.

Advanced BI operations

Analytical description confirming.

Advanced commissions operations

Closing production/service/repair order

Opening production/service/repair order that was not confirmed as of current date

Modifying production/service/repair order issued by other operators.

Advanced orders operations

Opening an offer or order:

  • confirmed on a date other than the current one
  • confirmed by other operator

Cancelling an order:

  • issued on a date earlier than the current one
  • confirmed by other operator

Closing an order

  • confirmed by other operator

Advanced commercial operations

Determining credit limit on the contractor group template and contractor’s card

Unblocking a contractor’s card blocked by other operators

Changing an acronym and acronym mask on a contractor’s card

Changing the manner of warehouse settlement on goods template and product card

Changing the code and code mas on the product card

Cancelling commercial/warehouse/import/AC documents with a date other than the current one

Using the re-fiscalisation of receipts function.

Advanced accountancy operations

With regard to VAT-7 – changes to the sales structure indicator and the status of declarations

With regard to VAT-EU declaration – changes to the declaration status

Opening balance documents confirmation

Cancelling of compensation documents

Changing of the active accounting period

Ban to edit the retrospective discount period

The bans of the Retrospective period edition, covering both retrospective sales and purchase discounts, have been separated into two bans, specific to each discount type: Edit retrospective period of purchase, created based on the existing ban, and Edit retrospective period of sale. The ban has also been made more detailed in terms of:

  • Adding/Generating/Deleting periods from the [Contractors] retro discount tab
  • Calculation of discount from list of retro periods
  • Calculation/recalculation of discount on retro period form
Separate bans: Edition of retrospective period of sale, Edition of retrospective period of purchase
Separate bans: Edition of retrospective period of sale, Edition of retrospective period of purchase



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