Changes for WMS warehouse reservations

Several changes have been made to the Sales module in connection with the release of the WMS warehouse booking functionality.

  • New operations for warehouse documents

New commands in the context menu have been added to the list of warehouse documents in the Dispatcher’s dashboard windows on the [Documents] tab and Documents/Warehouse on the [Releases] tab:

  • Generate a WMS warehouse reservation
  • Delete the WMS warehouse reservation
  • Location of the Quantity control of stocks parameter on (W)ZWM

Since launching the WMS warehouse reservation service is possible in the context of a specific WMS warehouse, and at the same time creating reservations is closely related to controlling the quantity on (W)ZWM documents, the Quantity control parameter on (W)ZWM has been moved from the configuration window to the WMS warehouse tab. Parameter setting:

  • When converting, for each existing WMS warehouse, the setting will be the same as it was in the configuration window before conversion.
  • When adding a new warehouse, remember to set the parameter appropriately.
  • List of BST components

New predefined components of BST Reserved for ZWM and Reserved for (W)ZWM have been added.

  • New filter in the reservation list

In the list of reservations available in the Product history and Contractor history, a new filter item has been added to the WMS Warehouse release order. For this setting, the filter will show WMS warehouse reservations.

A detailed description of the above changes can be found in the XL145 bulletin – Cooperation with Comarch WMS reservations online.


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