All changes described below concern cooperation of Comarch ERP XL 2021.0.2 with Comarch WMS 2021.1. In earlier versions, WMS inventory reservations are not supported.
In the preparatory work to handle reservations, mentioned in the Comarch EPR XL 2021.0 version, there was a condition that the WMS warehouse reservation service could be enabled if there was cooperation with Comarch WMS 2021.1. In subsequent versions of XL, however, this area has been fixed, so this feature should not be activated in XL 2021.0.
The correct operation of the reservation starts only from version XL 2021.0.2.
WMS warehouse reservations
In the current mechanism of cooperation between Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS, there is a possibility to reserve resources for warehouse releases in both systems. Thanks to this, there will be no situations in which the same resource has been included in a warehouse document in WMS and at the same time has been released to a commercial document in XL, as the reservation is done online, regardless of the synchronisation service.
For reservation, you can retrieve the available quantity calculated according to the XL commercial or WMS warehouse levels, which will be detailed in further points.
Verification of stock levels and making reservations for WMS transactions will be possible to turn on as one setting for a warehouse, provided that the WMS method of working with it has been selected: Based on quantities and on resources.
Starting reservation of resources
On the warehouse card, the parameter Reserve resources based on has been added, with the following options:
- Commercial stocks, i.e. available quantities actually accepted on commercial documents in XL and WMS warehouse documents. Here, the commercial quantity for warehouse releases will always be ensured, according to the order in which they are created.
- WMS warehouse stocks, where the available quantities only from WMS warehouse documents are taken into account. In this case, it may not be possible to issue a commercial document for a warehouse release until the resource in question has been accepted with a commercial document.
When enabling this reservation option, a message has been added to inform you of this.
The parameters are available for editing if you have chosen to work with WMS: Based on quantities and on resources. Otherwise, they cannot be selected or are automatically deselected
Enabling resource reservation on a warehouse card
Additionally, the location of the Quantity control of stocks on (W)ZWM parameter has changed.
Since launching the WMS warehouse reservation service is effected in the context of a specific WMS warehouse, and at the same time creating reservations is closely related to controlling the quantity on (W)ZWM documents, the Quantity control of stocks on (W)ZWM parameter has been moved from the configuration window to the WMS warehouse tab. Parameter setting:
- When converting, for each existing WMS warehouse, the setting will be the same as it was in the configuration window before conversion.
- When adding a new warehouse, remember to set the parameter appropriately in a new location.
- When enabling resource reservation, the parameter will be automatically checked without the possibility of changing it. However, the operation of this control will vary depending on the reservation option selected.
Determination of available quantities
Operation of the parameter Quantity control of stocks on (W)ZWM depending on the setting of resource reservation.
- If the resource reservation is not enabled, then the control of the quantity that can be entered on the (W)ZWM is calculated as the available commercial status (i.e. taking into account valid resource reservations) less the already issued other (W)ZWM (including the current one), which not yet invoiced. Such control is at the level of global quantity, i.e. no specific batch is considered. This action has been and remained as is.
- If the Reserve resources based on commercial stocks parameter is selected, when adding a new (W)ZWM document, the system first checks whether such goods are available in the XL commercial stocks and in the WMS stock levels. The verification is carried out on the basis of the agreed quantity and individual batch parameters that can be entered on the element. The search for free resources is carried out according to the resource picking setting on the warehouse card (FIFO, LIFO, By expiry date and Selection acting as FIFO).
If the resources are established, they will always be reserved with a new type of reservation, the so-called warehouse WMS
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, without set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities:
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD1: 100 pcs.
FZ2: 55 pcs.
FZ3: 60 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 60 pcs.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
A new (W)ZWM1 document for this resource can be added for a maximum of 160 pcs. For the remaining 55 pcs., there is not enough quantity in WMS warehouse stock.
When adding a document for the full available quantity, WMS warehouse reservation will be created for:
– 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 55 pcs. with a resource from FZ2,
– 5 pcs. with a resource from FZ3.
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, without set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities:
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD1: 100 pcs.
(W)AWD2: 55 pcs.
FZ3: 60 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 60 pcs.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
A new (W)ZWM1 document for this resource can be added for a maximum of 160 pcs. For the remaining 55 pcs., there is not enough quantity in WMS warehouse stock.
When adding a document for the full available quantity, WMS warehouse reservation will be created for:
– 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ3.
- If the Reserve resources based on WMS inventories parameter is checked, then when adding a new (W)ZWM document, the system checks whether such goods are available in the WMS inventories. Here, the verification is carried out on the basis of the agreed quantity and individual batch parameters that can be entered on the element too. The search for free resources is carried out according to the resource picking setting on the warehouse card (FIFO, LIFO, By expiry date and Selection acting as FIFO).
If the resources are determined, they will be reserved with a new type of reservation, the so-called warehouse WMS reservations and, if necessary, also using the so-called future reservations.
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, without set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities:
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD1: 100 pcs.
FZ2: 55 pcs.
FZ2: 60 pcs. + (W)AWD3: 60 pcs.
Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
A new (W)ZWM1 document for this resource can be added for a maximum of 160 pcs. For the remaining 55 pcs., there is not enough quantity in WMS warehouse stock.
When adding a document for the full available quantity, WMS warehouse reservation will be created for:
– 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 55 pcs. with a resource from FZ2,
– 5 pcs. with a resource from FZ3.
The operation is therefore similar to the reservation of resources based on commercial stocks
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, without set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities:
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD1: 100 pcs.
(W)AWD2: 55 pcs.
FZ2: 60 pcs. + (W)AWD3: 60 pcs.
Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
A new (W)ZWM1 document for this resource can be added for a maximum of 215 pcs. It does not matter that there is a lack of commercial quantity on the 55 pcs. from (W)AWD2.
When adding a document for the full available quantity, the following reservations will be created:
- warehouse WMS for 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
- “to the future” reservation for 55 pcs. with the batch recorded on (W)AWD2,
- warehouse WMS for 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ2,
When adding a document for a smaller quantity of 160 pcs., the following reservations will be created:
- warehouse WMS for 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
- warehouse WMS for 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ2,
Due to the picking of resources according to FIFO/LIFO, etc., the setting on the product card – Mark item batch with delivery ID will be important for the reservation based on MWS stocks. This is because when this parameter is checked, the search for available batches will make reservations for the next available batches without paying attention to whether or not there are commercial stocks for them.
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, with set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities (batches):
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD1: 100 pcs. (batch 1).
(W)AWD2: 55 pcs. (batch 2)
FZ2: 60 pcs. + (W)AWD3: 60 pcs. (batch 3)
a) Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
A new (W)ZWM1 document for this resource can be added for a maximum of 160 pcs. For the remaining 55 pcs., there is not enough quantity in commercial stock.
When adding a document for the full available quantity, WMS warehouse reservation will be created for:
– 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1 (batch 1),
– 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ2 (batch 3),
The operation is therefore similar to the reservation of stocks for goods without marking the batch with a delivery ID.
b) Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
A new (W)ZWM1 document for this resource can be added for a maximum of 215 pcs. It does not matter that there is a lack of commercial quantity on the 55 pcs. from (W)AWD2.
When adding a document for the full available quantity, the following reservations will be created:
- warehouse WMS for 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1 (batch 1),
- “to the future” reservation for 55 pcs. from batch 2 written on (W)AWD2,
- warehouse WMS for 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ2 (batch 3).
The operation is therefore similar to the reservation of stocks for goods without marking the batch with a delivery ID. The difference is that each reservation is saved on a separate document element.
c) Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
When adding a document for a smaller quantity of 160 pcs., the following reservations will be created:
- warehouse WMS for 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1 (batch 1),
- “to the future” reservation for 55 pcs. from batch 2 written on (W)AWD2,
- warehouse WMS for 5 pcs. with a resource from FZ2 (batch 3).
The operation is therefore different from the similar scenario of reserving stock for goods without marking the batch with a delivery ID
A specific delivery is immediately recorded on the WMS warehouse reservations and locked for this release. On the other hand, we do not yet have this delivery in the “to the future” reservations, so we only record the batch agreed on the warehouse release document.
Details on the determination of resources on (W)ZWM documents with enabled reservations and the specifics of the reservations themselves are described in the following sections.
Automatic creation of warehouse WMS reservations
When resource reservations are enabled on the warehouse card, WMS warehouse reservations are created for the (W)ZWM document and are characterised by the fact that they are always enabled: they are set as active, blocking the goods, with no specific activation and validity dates. In addition, they always have an assigned resource. All this ensures that they can be fulfilled at any time using a commercial document.
When adding a manual (W)ZWM document after selecting an item, the system suggests the first available batch for that goods, so if the batches are differentiated by feature, it will suggest the feature from that batch. Changing the feature will only be allowed for one for which an available resource is found. If the resource is not available, then the feature will be automatically changed to the one from the first resource (this is also the case for the selected <undefined> feature).
If a (W)ZWM document is issued for a commercial document, then WMS warehouse reservations are also created so that the appropriate resources are reserved in Comarch WMS. In the XL itself, however, they do not lock the goods, as such a lock is already in place by the source commercial document. After synchronising such a (W)ZWM document, the WMS warehouse reservations assigned to it are deleted.
If a (W)ZWM document is issued for an order, WMS warehouse reservations are also created so that appropriate resources are reserved in Comarch WMS. These warehouse reservations are created according to the following rules:
- If a resource reservation is active on the order, the resource from this reservation is set on the WMS warehouse reservation.
- Otherwise, (the resource reservation is inactive or there is a non-resource reservation), then for the warehouse reservation the first available resource is searched; commercially available or warehouse available depending on the selected resource reservation option.
At the same time, existing reservations on the order are marked as non-locking goods so that the quantity on warehouse reservations and the quantity from orders are not duplicated. They may also need to be subdivided due to the distribution of sub-elements on the (W)ZWM document.
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, without set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities (batches):
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD1: 100 pcs.
FZ2: 60 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 60 pcs.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
a) Issued ZS for 120 pcs. with warehouse reservations marked as locking goods: 60 pcs. (from FZ1) and 60 pcs. (from FZ2)
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 will have WMS warehouse reservations inherited from ZS:
– 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ2.
Reservations on the ZS1 document will be marked as not locking the goods.
a) Issued ZS for 120 pcs. with non-resource reservations marked as locking the goods: 60 pcs. (no resource) and 60 pcs. (no resource)
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 will have WMS warehouse reservations set up in accordance with the resources retrieved on the commercial documents:
– 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 40 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 20 pcs. with a resource from FZ2.
Reservations on the ZS1 document will be marked as non-locking and broken down according to the breakdown of WMS warehouse reservations. Such a breakdown is necessary because three sub-elements arise on the (W)ZWM document.
A similar mechanism for excluding reservations on source documents for (W)ZWM reserving resources has been introduced for source documents from the Production and Service modules.
Automatic creation and conversion of WMS reservations “to the future”
If WMS stock-based warehouse reservations are enabled, the principle of finding available resources is the same here as described in the chapter Determining available quantities. The only difference is that warehouse resources are included in the available resources, regardless of whether they have commercial resources assigned or not. In this case, it may turn out that there is not enough commercial quantity in XL to create a WMS warehouse reservation and then so-called “to the future” reservations. As there is not yet a commercial stock in XL for the quantities, it is impossible to determine a specific delivery for them. To that end, these reservations will only be associated with a specific batch ID.
This will therefore apply to the new (W)ZWM, which:
- Have been added manually
- Have been generated from orders or other reservation documents, as long as the reservations were not resource reservations.
It will not be possible to issue a commercial document for (W)ZWM documents with such reservations due to lack of resources.
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, without set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities:
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD1: 100 pcs.
(W)AWD2: 55 pcs.
FZ2: 60 pcs. + (W)AWD3: 60 pcs.
Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
A new (W)ZWM1 document for this resource has been added for 215 pcs. Reservations have been made:
- warehouse WMS for 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
- “to the future” reservation for 55 pcs. with the batch recorded on (W)AWD2,
- warehouse WMS for 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ2,
No commercial document can be issued for (W)ZWM1.
First, new commercial resources must be accepted, which automatically converts “to the future” reservations into ordinary WMS warehouse reservations. New commercial resources are created when a commercial document is approved, so simply issuing it will not yet allow the reservation to be converted.
Continuation of the previous scenario.
An FZ3 document for 55 pcs. was issued for (W)AWD2.
Once the FZ3 is approved, the “to the future” reservation of 55 pcs. is automatically converted into a WMS warehouse reservation with the stock from FZ3.
Only then can a commercial document be issued for (W)ZWM1.
a) Existing in XL, i.e. if a document is issued in WMS, it must first be synchronised to XL for the reservation conversion to be performed;
b) Not editable in XL or WMS.
For the purpose of converting “to the future” reservations into WMS warehouse reservations, a new parameter has been added in the configuration window, [WMS] tab, First assign resources to warehouse reservations without a defined commercial resource. It is relevant while setting the existing parameter from the document definition Allocate created resources to reservations, as shown in the table below.
Parameter setting | Action | |
Assign created resources to reservations | First allocate resources to warehouse reservations… | |
Checked | Checked | First, the “to the future” reservations are converted, and the second is non-resource reservations from orders and documents from the Production or Service modules (as before). The quantity available for non-resource reservations will be reduced by those previously used for “to the future” reservations. |
Checked | Not checked | Non-resource reservations from orders and documents from the Production or Service modules are converted first (as before), and “to the future” reservations are converted second. The quantity available for “to the future” reservations will be reduced by those used previously for non-resource reservations. |
Not checked | Checked | Only “to the future” reservations are converted. Non-resource reservations from orders and documents from the Production or Service modules (as before) will not be converted |
Not checked | Not checked |
Quantities from reservations from orders and documents from the Production or Service modules that have already been included in warehouse (W)ZWM documents are no longer subject to conversion into resource reservations. Therefore, there will not be a situation here where a future reservation is converted at the same time and a non-resource reservation from a source document such as an order is converted for exactly the same quantities.
Checking the value of features when reserving on (W)ZWM
When creating WMS warehouse reservations and “to the future” reservations, it is still worth noting the differences in the creation of reservations depending on the setting on the goods:
- Parameter Mark item batch with Delivery ID, which has already been partially described in the chapter Determining available quantities.
- And Retrieving resources by feature, with options: Prefer… or Require.
If the deliveries for a given good are marked with the feature, the above parameter Retrieving resources by features is taken into account when generating (W)ZWM from the order.
Reservation based on commercial stocks
For stock-based reservations, the parameter Mark item batch with Delivery ID is not relevant, as reservations will always be made only for available commercial stock according to the setting of resource retrieving by features:
- Require – if a delivery with the feature specified on the reservation from the order is found, the element will be added and a reservation for such a delivery will be created, and if there is no such delivery, the element will not be added. Here, the search for the first delivery is also done according to the resource retrieving setting for the given good (FIFO/LIFO)
- Prefer… (both options) – if a delivery with the feature specified on the reservation from the order is found, the element will be added and a reservation made for this delivery, and if there is no such delivery, the element and the reservation will be made for another delivery. Both deliveries are retrieved according to the retrieval setting for the goods (FIFO/LIFO).
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, without set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities:
(W)AWD1: 60 pcs. with the feature of colour: black (batch 1)
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 100 pcs. with the feature of colour: white (batch 2)
FZ2: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 100 pcs. with the feature of colour: black (batch 1)
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: black.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will create a WMS warehouse reservation for 50 pcs. with the resource from FZ2 (the first commercially available resource with the matching feature).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
Document (W)ZWM1 generated for ZS1 as in sub-item a).
Option A: Goods with settings and resources as above.
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: <unspecified>.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will create a WMS warehouse reservation for 50 pcs. with the resource from FZ1 (the first commercially available resource, as no specific feature is given).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
Document (W)ZWM1 generated for ZS1 as in sub-item a).
Option B: Goods with settings and resources as above.
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: green.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 to ZS1 document will not be generated for any quantity (no resource available with the specified feature).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will create a WMS warehouse reservation for 50 pcs. with the resource from FZ1 (the first commercially available resource, as there is no resource with the matching feature)
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, with set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities:
(W)AWD1: 60 pcs. with the feature of colour: black (batch 1)
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 100 pcs. with the feature of colour: white (batch 2)
FZ2: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 100 pcs. with the feature of colour: black (batch 3)
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: black.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will create a WMS warehouse reservation for 50 pcs. with the resource from FZ2 (the first commercially available resource with the matching feature).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
Document (W)ZWM1 generated for ZS1 as in sub-item a).
Option A: Goods with settings and resources as above.
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: <unspecified>.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will create a WMS warehouse reservation for 50 pcs. with the resource from FZ1 (the first commercially available resource, as no specific feature is given).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
Document (W)ZWM1 generated for ZS1 as in sub-item a).
Option B: Goods with settings and resources as above.
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: green.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 to ZS1 document will not be generated for any quantity (no resource available with the specified feature).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will create a WMS warehouse reservation for 50 pcs. with the resource from FZ1 (the first commercially available resource, as there is no resource with the matching feature).
Reservation for WMS warehouse stocks
For warehouse stock-based reservations, the parameter Mark item batch with Delivery ID is important, as reservations will be made both for available commercial stock and warehouse stock:
Require – the resource with the attribute specified on the reservation from the order is searched for according to the resource retrieving setting for the given good (FIFO/LIFO) in both the commercial and the warehouse WMS stocks. The element is added, and a reservation is made for the first one, which will be found according to the above algorithm.
- For the unchecked parameter Mark item batch with Delivery ID, there is only one resource with the same feature, so if it has commercial stocks, they will be reserved first. Only their absence will result in the reservation of a resource that is only in the WMS warehouse, i.e. a “to the future” reservation will be created.
- For the checked parameter Mark item batch with Delivery ID, there may be many resources with the same feature, so it may happen that, despite the commercial stocks, a resource is reserved for a given good, which is only in the WMS warehouse, i.e. a 'future’ reservation will be created instead of the usual WMS warehouse reservation.
Prefer… (both options) – searching and reserving as for the Prefer… option, with the difference that if a compatible resource is not found, the first available resource (commercially or warehouse available) is searched in the same way.
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, without set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities:
(W)AWD1: 60 pcs. with the feature of colour: black (batch 1)
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 100 pcs. with the feature of colour: white (batch 2)
FZ2: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 100 pcs. with the feature of colour: black (batch 1)
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: black.
Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will create a WMS warehouse reservation for 50 pcs. with the resource from FZ2 (the first commercially available resource with the matching feature).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
Document (W)ZWM1 generated for ZS1 as in sub-item a).
Option A: Goods with settings and resources as above.
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: <unspecified>.
Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will create a WMS warehouse reservation for 50 pcs. with the resource from FZ1 (the first commercially available resource, as no specific feature is given).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
Document (W)ZWM1 generated for ZS1 as in sub-item a).
Option B: Goods with settings and resources as above.
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: green.
Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 to ZS1 document will not be generated for any quantity (no resource available with the specified feature).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will create a WMS warehouse reservation for 50 pcs. with the resource from FZ1 (the first commercially available resource, as there is no resource with the matching feature).
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, with set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities:
(W)AWD1: 60 pcs. with the feature of colour: black (batch 1)
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 100 pcs. with the feature of colour: white (batch 2)
FZ2: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 100 pcs. with the feature of colour: black (batch 3)
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: black.
Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will set up a “to the future” reservation with the resource from (W)AWD1 (the first available resource with the matching feature searched according to FIFO.
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
Document (W)ZWM1 generated for ZS1 as in sub-item a).
Option A: Goods with settings and resources as above.
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: <unspecified>.
Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will set up a “to the future” reservation with the resource from (W)AWD1 (the first available resource searched according to FIFO.
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
Document (W)ZWM1 generated for ZS1 as in sub-item a).
Option B: Goods with settings and resources as above.
ZS1 with non-resource reservation: 50 pcs. per feature colour: green.
Resource reservation based on warehouse WMS stocks is enabled.
a) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Require
The (W)ZWM1 to ZS1 document will not be generated for any quantity (no resource available with the specified feature).
b) On goods set and Retrieving resources by features: Prefer
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 for 50 pcs. will set up a “to the future” reservation with the resource from (W)AWD1 (the first available resource searched according to FIFO.
Deleting and restoring WMS warehouse reservations
When (W)ZWM documents are cancelled, all its elements are deleted, so at the same time the related reservations are deleted.
WMS warehouse reservations cease to fulfil their function of locking resources when these resources are spent on a commercial document. Therefore, when creating commercial documents for (W)ZWM with WMS warehouse reservations, the following mechanisms are in place:
- After adding the commercial document, WMS warehouse reservations are made,
- Once the commercial document is approved, the WMS warehouse reservations are deleted from the System.
In the reverse action, i.e. when deleting or cancelling a commercial document without cancelling the (W)ZWM, if this (W)ZWM indicates that it was issued with the resource reserve option enabled, then the WMS warehouse reservations are restored on it:
- After deleting a commercial document on WMS warehouse reservations, the information about the quantity made is deleted,
- After the commercial document is cancelled, the WMS warehouse reservations are added to the System again.
This ensures that these documents can be re-fulfilled commercially. The mechanism for deleting and restoring WMS warehouse reservations is the same as for reservations from orders.
Goods with set FIFO stock picking, without set batch marking with delivery ID. Received in Comarch ERP XL and Comarch WMS for the following quantities (batches):
FZ1: 100 pcs. + (W)AWD1: 100 pcs.
FZ2: 60 pcs. + (W)AWD2: 60 pcs.
Resource reservation based on commercial stocks is enabled.
a) Document (W)ZWM1 issued for 120 pcs.
It will have WMS warehouse reservations made in accordance with the resources found on commercial documents:
– 100 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 20 pcs. with a resource from FZ2.
When FS1 is issued to (W)ZWM1, the above WMS warehouse reservations will be deleted.
If FS1 is cancelled without (W)ZWM1, the above WMS warehouse reservation will be recreated.
b) Issued ZS for 120 pcs. with warehouse reservations marked as locking the goods: 60 pcs. (from FZ1) and 60 pcs. (from FZ2)
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 will have WMS warehouse reservations inherited from ZS:
– 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ2.
Reservations on the ZS1 document will be marked as not locking the goods.
When FS1 is issued to (W)ZWM1, the above WMS warehouse reservations and reservations from the order will be deleted.
If FS1 is cancelled without (W)ZWM1, the above WMS warehouse reservation and reservations from the order will be recreated – they will still be marked as non-locking the goods.
c) Issued ZS for 120 pcs. with non-resource reservations marked as locking the goods: 60 pcs. (no resource) and 60 pcs. (no resource)
The (W)ZWM1 document generated for ZS1 will have WMS warehouse reservations set up in accordance with the resources retrieved on the commercial documents:
– 60 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 40 pcs. with a resource from FZ1,
– 20 pcs. with a resource from FZ2.
Reservations on the ZS1 document will be marked as non-locking and broken down according to the breakdown of WMS warehouse reservations. Such a breakdown is necessary because three sub-elements arise on the (W)ZWM document.
When FS1 is issued to (W)ZWM1, the above WMS warehouse reservations and reservations from the order will be deleted.
If FS1 is cancelled without (W)ZWM1, the above WMS warehouse reservation and reservations from the order will be recreated – they will still be marked as non-locking the goods.
The fulfilment or deletion of a WMS warehouse reservation is also performed after the operation of linking the commercial document with the warehouse (W)ZWM associated with such reservation.
The same rules apply here as when issuing a commercial document for (W)ZWM:
- After binding with a commercial document in the buffer, WMS warehouse reservations are fulfilled,
- After binding with an approved commercial document, the WMS warehouse reservations are deleted from the System,
- It is not possible to bind a (W)ZWM document that has “to the future” reservations.
Manual handling of stock reservations
“Manual” adding and deleting of warehouse reservations
New commands in the context menu have been added to the list of warehouse documents in the Dispatcher’s dashboard windows on the [Documents] tab and Documents/Warehouse on the [Releases] tab:
Commands allow you to serially (for selected documents) add and remove WMS warehouse reservations and “to the future” reservations.
Adding warehouse reservations is possible for (W)ZWM documents which:
- Have no reservations assigned,
- They are set to a warehouse with resource reservation option set,
- Are not approved, i.e. they have neither the Fulfil in WMS nor the Closed parameters selected.
- Have not been synchronised to WMS (such a situation may occur temporarily after selecting the Fulfil in WMS parameter and then unchecking it).
If the selected document does not meet the above-mentioned assumptions, the user is informed with an appropriate message and the warehouse reservations are not created.
After adding the appropriate warehouse reservations for a given document, the information indicating how to reserve resources is set in the table, which is inherited from the warehouse card (according to the hint in the Starting resource reservation chapter).
Removal of warehouse reservations is possible for (W)ZWM documents before the fulfilment has started.
After all reservations are removed from the document, the setting is changed to indicate resource reservation that has been inherited from the warehouse card (as per the hint in the Starting resource reservation chapter). This means that the document does not have any resource reserve options set.
WMS warehouse reservation list
The list of reservations available in the Good history and Contractor history shows WMS warehouse reservations. A new WMS warehouse release order filter item has also been added. For such a setting, the filter will show WMS warehouse reservations assigned to the given contractor or goods to which they relate. If the reservation comes from a document issued in WMS that has not yet been synchronised to XL, then the following expression is shown as the source document in the list and in the reservation form: ZWM reservation.
Adding and removing WMS warehouse reservations from this list is locked. These operations are performed automatically or manually only from the level of (W)ZWM documents, as described in the above paragraphs.
WMS “to the future” reservations are not displayed in the list.
Exclusion of warehouse reservations from manual operations on reservations
WMS warehouse reservations and WMS “to the future” reservations are not shown on the lists of reservations called during the following operations:
- Operation Distribute resources between reservations fulfilled for the incoming document,
- Operation of switching resources between reservations called on an element of an order/assignment,
- Operation of releasing resources from a reservation when correcting an incoming document.
WMS warehouse reservation at BST
New predefined BST components Reserved for (W)ZWM and Reserved for ZWM have been added, which calculate respectively the quantities reserved on (W)ZWMM documents issued or synchronised with WMS or ZWM documents not yet synchronised to XL.
Quantities from WMS “to the future” reservations are not included in these components.
Cancellation/correction of incoming documents with stock issue control
When cancelling commercial documents involving deliveries, e.g. FZ, it is checked whether these deliveries have not already been released on commercial or warehouse documents (for warehouses other than WMS). Thanks to WMS warehouse reservations, it is also possible to control the degree of their release on (W)ZWM documents and if such a release has already taken place, then the cancellation of such commercial documents is locked.
The same applies to the cancellation of a (W)AWD document with the selected parameter “Fulfil in WMS” – it is possible only if the resources have not yet been released on warehouse documents. Otherwise, the cancellation will be locked, and a message will appear.
When issuing quantity adjustments for commercial documents involving deliveries, the quantity that can be adjusted is determined taking into account the WMS warehouse reservations with that delivery – the reserved quantity must remain on the adjustment document. If you try to enter more quantity to be corrected than is allowed, the standard message about missing quantity appears.