Window: Company accounts, displays a list of accounts which are used in COMARCH ERP XL system on the User’s side.
The window contains two tabs: By register and By bank where the data are displayed in columns:
Series – displays the number of the account in accordance with the code entered in the window: Bank register.
Name of the register – displays the name of the register (cashier post or bank account).
Code – displays the abbreviated name of the register.
Account number – displays the number of the bank account.
Bank name – displays the full bank name.
Currency – displays the symbol of the currency in which the operations registered on the account will be expressed.
More information on accounts and registers is available in the module documentation: Accountancy.
In this window the following functions are available: [Enable/disable filtering] – once the desired criterion was enter, the filter displays the relevant accounts.
[Add] – used to create and add a new register.
[Change] – allows for preview and change of the registers data.
[Delete] – removes the selected register.
[Close the window] – closes the window.