General information
The Decree of the Minister of Finance of 11 December 2012 on reimbursement of tax to certain taxpayers, issuance of invoices, method of their storage, and the list of goods and services, gave the possibility to “grant” a discount in relation to supplies of goods, made to the recipient in a given period of time, by means of a single collective correction document. This option may also be used by operators when granting discounts not on the entire periodic turnover, but on the turnover of a given product or range. It is much simpler for the User to record the granting of discounts in this way than to have to record separate corrections for individual invoices recording turnover. Less information is also required on the collective correction than on the regular corrections.
Comarch ERP XL 2013.3 provides functionality of collective discount corrections (Z)FSK, (Z)FKE and (Z)FZK, which can be used to grant a discount on the turnover registered with documents: FS, WZ, FSE, WZE, FZ and PZ. It is based on the mechanism of generating WZK/WKE/PZK corrections to individual transactions recorded with FS/WZ/FSE/WZE/FZ/PZ documents, which are then bundled to one collective document of the appropriate type. Thus, the (Z)FSK document is bundled to the WZK documents correcting transactions made with FS and WZ documents, the (Z)FKE document is bundled to the WKE documents correcting transactions made with FSE and WZE documents, and the (Z)FZK document to the PZK documents correcting FZ and PZ.
Collective correction form
Fields specific to collective correction forms
The (Z)FSK, (Z)FZK, (Z)FKE collective correction document form has been based on the correction clip form, except that additional information and operations have been included.
![(Z)FSK collective correction form](
- Section {Date}: presents the period to which the data refers. This period can be set by the dates of issue or sale/purchase of invoices on which the discount is to be granted. The date selection field is available for editing.
- The list of bundled documents is enhanced with information about the number of the clip to which the corrected WZK/WKE/PZK document is bundled, information about the date of issue or sale/purchase of the corrected documents.
- In the Bundled documents list, a multiple selection option is available to perform serial operations on these documents such as deleting, approving, and unbundling.
- Operations on the bundled documents list are available both using the relevant buttons and from the context menu.
- The collective correction may contain both approved and not approved WZK/PZK/WKE documents, hence they are displayed in the appropriate colours.
- The list of invoices covered by a given collective correction, with the possibility of viewing each of them, is opened with the {Corrected} button, available on the {Header} tab.
An unapproved collective correction may have attached documents that are not yet approved, so approval of such a correction must first result in the approval of all previously unapproved attached documents and only if this operation is successful, then approval of the entire document. If the approval of the bundled WZK/PZK documents fails, the approval of the collective correction cannot take place. Those documents which, for some reason, cannot be approved will be disregarded, but this will not prevent the approval of subsequent WZK/PZK. Instead of approving the entire collective correction, the User will be able to make a series of approvals of individual documents bundled on their own, and only after these steps have been taken will the entire collective correction be approved.
- Unlike in the case of other corrections, in the case of a collective correction, the tab above shows the document’s VAT direction (VAT from: Net/Gross), which can be changed until the first document is pinned. This allows making a simulation and determining the size of the requested discount, respectively understood as a net or gross value, which will be discussed later on.
Editing a WZK/PZK/WKE document from the list of documents is only possible if the collective correction to which the above document is bundled is not edited at the same time. It is not possible to remove such corrections directly from the list of documents; such operation should be performed from the collective correction form. In the case of those WZK/PZK/WKE discount corrections that have been generated from a collective correction, it is not possible to bundle them to a clip other than the clip-collective correction.
Creating a collective correction form
A collective correction can be recorded directly from the list of documents and the contractor’s history. As a result of this operation, the System first creates a collective correction form, and then bundles the selected WZK/WKE/PZK documents to it. In this way, only value corrections can be bundled.
- Creating a collective correction form, specifying its parameters and then triggering the automatic generation of corrections, which is discussed in more details under “Automatic generation of correction on a collective correction”
- Creation of a collective correction form, and then generation of corrections to the transactions indicated by the Operator, which is discussed in more detail under “Generation of corrections to indicated documents”
![Options for creating a collective correction based on the example of a WZ list.](
Marking of collective corrections in the list of documents
Collective corrections are marked accordingly in the list of documents, and because they correct multiple transactions, the {Source} column is filled with the description “List of documents” instead of the number of the corrected document.
![Marking of collective corrections in the list of documents.](
Due to the fact that only value adjustments can be included in a collective correction, those operations that may cause the WZK/PZK/WKE document to include quantitatively adjusted elements have been blocked on the WZK/PZK/WKE document. In addition, for a “specific” WZK/PZK/WKE document generated to FS/FZ/FSE, the System does not allow changing the “nature” of the adjustment, also when it is not yet bundled to a collective correction.
Additional collective correction parameters
As part of the Collective correction feature, a form has been made available with additional parameters of a collective correction. This form performed a number of functions, depending on the “nature” of the correction. It is here that the information about the goods to which the discount correction applies and the amount of the discount granted on the turnover of these goods (% discount, discount value or price adjustment to a specific level) shall be recorded.
If the correction is to concern the entire turnover, i.e. no goods have been assigned to the form, then it is used to:
- simulate the turnover, enter the amount of the discount due (only if no documents are bundled on the correction) and generate corrections for the defined conditions, or
- information about the amount of the discount granted so far on the corrections that have been bundled together so far, and a possible recalculation of the amount of the discount according to new conditions set by the Operator (in the case when there are already bundled documents on the document). These data are presented on the approved correction, which allows the User to quickly access information on the turnover on which the “discount” was calculated and the amount (including percentage) of this discount.
The form consists of two independent sections.
- The {Value} section of the correction parameters form is used in those cases where a discount is given on the total turnover recorded with a given contractor. It is possible to choose the parameter flexibly (amount, percentage).
- The {Goods} section in the event that the discount is to be granted solely on the turnover recorded for a given good or a given assortment of goods. Activating the {Goods} section deactivates the {Value} section.
![Collective correction parameters form.](
The {Value} section of the collective parameters form.
In the Value section, you can enter the percentage amount of discount to be calculated on individual transactions with a given contractor in a given period. This is only possible if no goods items have been added, as these values relate to the entire turnover. In the case of a collective correction for which no document has yet been added, it is possible to simulate the turnover figure. After entering the size of the discount, select the “generate automatically” option, as a result of which the System will generate and clip together individual corrections. If the automatic generation and closing of the form is not performed, the above-mentioned simulation will be “lost”.
The amount of simulated turnover is calculated without checking a number of conditions that are checked during the operation of automatic generation of corrections on the collective correction form. The system will calculate the entire “potential” turnover, but ultimately, after the simulation and triggering of the automatic generation, there may be obstacles to correct individual transactions included in the simulation, e.g. a given document is not yet approved, or a given WZ is not yet bundled to the clip, etc.
During the automatic creation of corrections to the entire turnover, the System calculates the percentage discount according to the conditions specified by the User, so the final amount of the discount granted may be different from the value presented as “Difference” on the correction parameters form at the moment of the simulation. This is due not only to the possibility of performing operations in the System in the period between simulation and the physical generation of corrections that change the terms of the correction, but also to the issue of rounding.
In the case of a document containing already bundled documents, the above-mentioned form shows information about the amount of the discount granted so far and the turnover on the basis of which it was calculated. If the collective correction has not yet been approved, it is possible to change the amount of the discount granted and to recalculate the documents already bundled together accordingly, if their condition allows it.
During such an operation, the System will determine the size of the correction based on the new {Difference} value, modifying the bundled unapproved documents in proportion to their value before the correction. If the declared value of the discount is higher than the one that can be calculated, the User is informed about it.
![The operation of converting documents bundled according to a new, higher discount – information about exceeding the value that can be corrected.](
The “Generate automatic corrections” operation follows the same principles as when activating this option with the button under the list of bundled documents, except that the size of the requested discount is given based on the simulated turnover.
In the Value section, you can select the IxC=W from source parameter.
If the User selects the above-mentioned parameter, the System, generating individual WZK/WZE/PZK, will respect the setting of the above-mentioned parameter on individual corrected elements. If the equation compliance parameter on the source item is enabled, the System will assign such a discount as is possible to ensure that the above equation is still satisfied after the correction. If you correct an element with the equation parameter turned off, the System will give the requested discount even if the equation is no longer satisfied. If the parameter is unchecked in the above-mentioned form, the System will not check the equation setting on the source items, it will grant the discount without checking the equation. By default, this parameter is off. Its setting affects the behaviour of the System during the following operations, as simply setting it in the form does not trigger any changes on the collective correction:
- generating a collective correction from a list of documents
- the “auto-generate” operation from the collective correction form
- the “generate from indicated” operation from the collective correction form
- the operation “recalculate” performed from the “correction parameters” form.
The {Goods} section on the Collective correction parameters form.
This section is used to add those goods items whose turnover is subject to periodical turnover discounts. In this way, it is possible to accrue a percentage or amount discount on transactions made with the indicated assortment, or to set the price after the discount at a certain level. The amount of the discount quoted is an estimate, i.e. valid at the time of generating corrections of individual transactions. Changes made after the generation of individual corrections, both in terms of the amount or type of discount and in terms of the list of goods on the collective correction, will no longer affect the generated and bundled documents of corrections. The size of the discount will also not be controlled during the bundling of self-issued WZK/WKE/PZK documents. The system will also not block editing of the corrections generated in this way, so the actual amount of the discount may ultimately be different from the amount declared on the collective correction additional parameters form.
The discount accrual option indicated in the form is applicable to all added items, while the level of this discount may vary within these items.
In the case of the same discount/value/price, their assignment to individual items can be done with the edit-in-place method for each item, or using the “copy” operation available in the context menu.
![Copy discount on items in the Goods section.](
In the case of a document to which goods items have been assigned, the operation of discount calculation, both automatic and to documents indicated by the User, is carried out directly from the collective correction form.
During the automatic generation, the System finds those documents recorded with the given contractor in the given period, which concerned the turnover of the specified goods and corrects only the items with these goods.
- If a discount percentage has been specified for a goods item, then the creation of the correction consists in decreasing/increasing the value of the transaction item by the specified discount percentage.
- If a specific price is entered, the System will correct the transaction elements of the given product in such a way that the price after the correction is consistent with the price declared on the collective correction.
- If the option of giving a discount in the form of a specified discount value is selected, the System shall break down the specified value amount into individual elements of corrections with the given product proportional to their value before the correction.
“Recalculate bundled corrections” option in the Parameters of collective correction form
Using the “Recalculate bundled corrections” option, it is possible to recalculate the WZK documents that have been bundled into a collective correction. This recalculation will only apply if the collective correction relates to any transactions and not to specific goods. The operation of recalculating corrections is performed if the User changes the size of the “requested” correction by changing the value of “difference”, %, or “to be” on the “Correction parameters” form before it is triggered.
The system determines the size of the correction based on the new “Difference” value. If some bundled WZK/WKE/PZK are already approved, then there may be missing values from the unapproved corrections that can be modified to achieve the above value.
![“Recalculate bundled corrections” operation.](
Generating documents on collective correction
One of the possibilities of registering a collective adjustment is to trigger the operation of automatic calculation of a discount by the System on individual transactions according to parameters specified by the User. Such an operation consists in generating and binding to a collective correction at the level of which it is carried out respectively: WZK documents generated to FS/WZ – in the case of a collective (Z)FSK correction, WKE documents generated to FSE/WZE – in the case of a collective (Z)FKE, or PZK generated to FZ/PZ – in the case of a collective (Z)FZK.
![Operation of automatic generation of a correction for FZ/PZ transactions.](
On a (Z)FZK collective correction, after calling this operation, the System finds FZ documents and PZ documents bundled to the clip, recorded for the contractor for whom the collective correction is issued. These documents must be recorded in the period defined by the date range From-To of the collective correction. To the documents filtered in this way, the system generates PZK documents, separate for each of these documents, and then binds them to a collective correction. During the verification of incoming documents, those with an undetermined delivery value and those PZ/FZ documents that were used to replace a sold-out corrected delivery are omitted.
- In the case of a collective (Z)FKE correction, the System performs the above-mentioned operation by generating WKE documents for transactions recorded with FSE and WZE documents.
- In the case of (Z)FSK correction, the System performs the above-mentioned operations by generating WZK to FS and WZ, while during such operations the unbundled WZ documents are omitted, but also those with an undetermined delivery value and those WZ/FS documents which were used to replace the sold-out corrected delivery.
The manner of generating corrections depends on whether it is to concern the entire turnover with a given contractor or the turnover recorded with a specific range of products. Assignment of the list of goods for which the turnover discount is to be applied is made on the additional form {Collective correction parameters}, described in more detail later in this document.
The mechanism of generating value corrections to WZK/WKE/PZK as a result of registering a collective correction differs from the standard mechanism in that, in this case, the System ignores the setting of the “generates payments” parameter on the source WZ/WZE/PZ and in the case of such WZK/WKE/PZK payments are not created, they are created only on a collective correction.
Generating corrections to selected documents
As a result of the operation, the system opens a list of transactions from the history of the contractor for which the correction is performed. When the User indicates documents, the System generates for each of them a separate WZK/WKE/PZK correction and binds it to the current collective correction. In this way, the User indicates which specific transactions are to be affected by the discount correction.
The type and value of the corrections generated in this way depend on the data recorded on the collective correction:
- if it is a correction for which no documents have been bundled yet and no goods have been assigned to it, then before generating documents, an appropriate form of additional correction parameters is presented, where the User can enter the amount of discount to be granted. On this basis, the System generates individual corrections, granting a percentage discount on each of them in accordance with the above form.
- if the operation is carried out on a collective correction without goods, but with already bundled documents, then the System generates corrections for all the elements of the source document, correcting them by the percentage resulting from the percentage so far “granted” on the collective correction.
- In the case of a collective correction with assigned goods, the system generates corrections only for the elements of the indicated documents that contain these goods. The way in which the corrections are generated is determined by the parameters stored in the {Goods} section of the “Correction parameters” form, for more information see “{Goods} section of the additional parameters form for collective corrections”.
- For the collective correction of (Z)FKE transactions, after selecting the documents in the list of supported documents, the system informs you to assign a currency exchange rate to be used for the collective correction document. The operator can choose the current rate or the rate from the first document to be bundled.
Collective corrections for element clips
In version 2019.1, the ability to record collective value corrections to elements clip invoices has been made available, including the ability to settle retrospective discounts with them for transactions covered by such documents.
For transactions recorded in the PZ/WZ/WZE- clip (s)FZ/FS/FSE path, the functionality of collective discount corrections was handled as follows:
- For each of the indicated documents (s)FZ/FS/FSE, the System generates value corrections PZK/WZK/WKE on the basis of the elements of the above clips and then binds them to (Z)FZK/FSK/FKE
- The above-mentioned PZK/WZK/WKE document is treated as a clip correction, i.e. for example such a PZK does not update resources, costs, etc. These documents are instead included in the chain of (s)FS/FSE/FZ document corrections
- The system generates additionally “accompanying” PZK/WZK/WKE to PZ/WZ/WZE documents bundled on the corrected clip, and it is such PZK that adjusts the warehouse value and cost of sales accordingly
- These above supporting documents shall be generated when the collective correction is approved
- Accompanying PZKs are generated in each case, whereas whether the System generates an accompanying WZK/WKE is determined by the parameter Adjust source value after price change on the [Other] tab of the FS/FSE document definition
![Generating a collective (Z)FSK correction to (s)FS elements clip invoices](
Collective correction (Z)FSK/FKE/FZK to elements clip invoices can be recorded in the same way as for the other types of documents, i.e. with the use of the above operation.
- Generating from the list of commercial documents
- Generating (Z)FSK/FKE/FZK from the contractor’s history
- Generating from the previous period and list of previous periods
- The Auto-generate operation from the collective correction form
- The Generate corrections to indicated operation from the collective correction form
Operations on the list of clipped documents
In addition to the standard operations performed on the list of bundled documents, such as attaching and detaching documents, it is also possible, from the collective corrections form, to edit an unapproved bundled document, approve individual corrections as well as delete them. To perform the above-mentioned operations, including serial operations, for selected documents, there are appropriate buttons under the list of documents and options in the context menu.
- The operation of deleting WZK/WKE/PZK documents is aimed at withdrawing from the corrections generated with incorrect correction parameters directly from the collective correction level, without the need to find them in the WZ/WZE/PZ list. This operation removes documents from the System and not only from the collective correction.
- Attaching documents is an operation that allows attaching the documents of the WZK/WKE/PZK to the current collective correction. These can be corrections issued to WZ/WZE/PZ, as well as those corrections recorded to FS/FSE/FZ, which for some reasons were detached earlier from the collective correction, as the User is not able to generate WZK directly from FS, or WKE from FSE, or PZK to FZ. Unlike in the case of other clips, the document assigned to a collective correction does not have to be approved, and due to the specificity of collective corrections, the conformity of the source clip of the WZK documents is not required, but other conditions are checked, such as the conformity of the contractor or the correct type of correction, as only value-based corrections can be bundled. The [Attach] function is available from the level of the collective correction invoice form. In order to detach an element included in a collective correction invoice, i.e. a bundled WZK/WKE/PZK document, highlight a line that qualifies for detachment from the collective correction invoice, and then activate the [Detach] icon.
Despite the inconsistency of the date of the document being corrected with the period of the collective correction, the given WZK/WKE/PZK document will be bundled to the collective correction; in such a situation, the User should change the date range in the form of the collective correction accordingly. Also, during the bundling process, the system does not check whether the bundled correction contains the line items defined on the collective correction.
- Approval of the indicated bundled corrections to the WZK/WKE/PZK means acceptance by the User of the documents generated by the System. It can be done by the Operator by calling the option from the context menu. Those unapproved bundled corrections for which this operation has not been carried out will be approved when the collective correction is approved.
![Approval of the WZK documents from the collective correction form.](
Approval, deletion, and cancellation of collective correction
An unapproved collective correction may have attached documents that are not yet approved, so approval of such a correction first results in the approval of all previously unapproved bundled documents and only if this operation is successful, then approval of the entire document. If any of the bundled WZK/WKE/PZK fail to be validated, then the collective correction is not validated.
The operation of deleting a collective correction can be performed with simultaneous deletion of all documents bundled on this correction or their retention. If the generated WZK/PZK/WKE documents are not deleted automatically, they should be deleted manually; leaving documents in place may result in errors in the values of documents bundled for collective correction. How the deletion operation is finally executed depends on the answer given by the operator on an additional system window.
![Deletion of ancillary corrections during deletion of a (Z)FSK collective correction](
Similar functionality was made available during the cancellation of a collective correction – the User may, along with it, cancel the documents included in it, just mark the appropriate parameter in the correction cancellation window.
![Option to cancel documents bundled during cancellation of a (Z)FSK collective correction](
Due to the lack of standardisation in the electronic exchange of collective discount corrections, these documents are not subject to export to the Ecod platform.
Excluding collective correction for element clips from the posting of supporting documents
An optional mechanism has been introduced to automatically mark documents generated as (Z)FZK, (Z)FZK, (Z)FKE to (s)FZ, (s)FS, (s)FSE element clips with the parameter Do not post PZK, WZK, WKE documents. This mechanism will be applied if the parameter Do not post documents of collective adjustment to element clips is enabled on the clip definition. This parameter overrides the Do not post PZ, WZ, WZE definitions parameter.
![Parameter to exclude a collective correction to (s)FZK from auxiliary PZK posting](
On the FZ and PZ definitions, the Do not post parameter is switched off, on the FZ definition the parameter Do not post documents bundled with collective correction to element clips is switched on. The following documents were registered: PZ-1 / 2 0 2 0( s ) F Z-1 / 2 0 2 0 to the above ( Z ) F Z K to ( s ) F Z. As a result of the above, the System generates: 1. P Z K-2 to ( s ) F Z and clips it to ( Z ) F Z K2. P Z K-3 to P Z, will be posted to: ( Z ) F Z K and P Z K-3 . The P Z K-2 document will not be posted.