General description of module functionality
Module: Administrator is a complex tool for configuration of COMARCH ERP XL system. Some of configuration functions, which can be found here, are repeated in different modules, and there it is also possible to perform basic configuration. In this module they are combined into one whole, enriched with many other functions, important for proper functioning of COMARCH ERP XL system.
The module is used to define posts, where it is used, to define and assign rights to users, and to define their status. It also displays a number of lists used while working with COMARCH ERP XL system. These lists can be created, modified and registered in the module. Lists registered in module are great tool which makes work with system much faster and the performance of specific activities easier.
Proper definition of parameters existing in module: Administrator, contributes to a fast and pleasant work with the system, so it is recommended to enter them particularly carefully. Starting the module: Administrator, is recommended before launching other modules of the system, but please note that this module can be used during daily work with COMARCH ERP XL system.
In case of COMARCH ERP XL synchronisation with Comarch ERP Optima, there can be maximum 999 items in one project branch.
Main menu and toolbar
Main menu and toolbar constitute the basic tools for working with the module: Administrator.
![Main menu and toolbar of the module: Administrator.](
Main menu
Main menu consists of elements containing drop-down lists.
Active sessions – list of active sessions operating on current database.
Configuration – launches COMARCH ERP XL system configuration. Particular tabs in configuration correspond to modules and are described in documentation concerning them.
Change password – change of password for current operator.
Fill in biometrics – this option is available if the parameter enabling face recognition logging has been activated in the card of the logged-in Operator. It opens the camera preview window and reads biometric features based on the photo taken of the Operator.
Delete biometrics – this option is available if biometric features are assigned to the logged-in User. Deletes the biometric features of this Operator.
Date change – change the current date, suggested as the transaction date.
Period change – selection of the financial period.
Change of the operator’s context – selection of the centre of the rights structure from among those to which the current operator belongs.
Change of operator – selection of an operator.
Contextual bans – window for defining bans of access to certain functions (windows) for operators. It contains a list of functions corresponding to currently opened windows. For each of these functions it is possible to create a list of operators which will not have access to it. Bans set in this way will be included in the list of bans for an operator, defined from the centre of the rights structure.
Default window settings – this function serves for restoring default window settings in the module in which it will be used.
User settings – window for defining the type of interface, size of windows, program background and wallpaper layout.
Printer settings – selection of a default printer and setting of its parameters.
Add-ons – list of functional add-ons.
End of work – closing of the module: Administrator.
Cut – cuts the selected fragment and places it on the clipboard. The cut fragment can then be pasted to the desired location.
Copy – copies the selected fragment and places it on the clipboard. The copied fragment can then be pasted to the desired location.
Paste – pastes a fragment from the clipboard.
Company’s structure – data on the company’s structure are displayed, divided into three categories: Rights structure, Cost structure, and Subordinate structure.
Documents definitions – opens the list of documents definitions.
Operators – opens a list of post and operators.
Stamp – displays a window with company data.
Company accounts – displays a list of company accounts, sorted by register and by bank.
Roles – displays roles that can be assigned to employees.
Employees – displays a list of employees.
Series – displays series list.
Warehouses – displays a list of warehouses.
Bonded warehouses – displays a list of bonded warehouses.
External devices – displays a list of external devices where the user can add a new external device, for example a batch mobile terminal, and link it to the operator.
Cars – list of cars.
Cash/bank registers – displays a list of cash and bank registers. More information on registers is available in the module documentation: Accountancy.
Cash/Bank transactions – a list of cash/bank operations from the level of which it is possible to declare types of cash operations in the cash register and types of operations on accounts in the bank. It is also possible to assign operations to specific registers.
Transfer formats – a list of data exchange file formats.
Periods of banking operations – the function is to determine the period of trading operations and the possibility of their closure.
Offices – displays a list of offices.
Banks – displays a list of banks.
Currencies – displays a list of defined currencies.
Groups of countries – displays a list of groups of countries (for example EU member states).
Post codes – displays a list of post codes. A detailed description can be found in the manual for the module: Sale.
Bans – displays a list of bans.
Category dictionaries – a list of category dictionaries defined and used in the system.
Contractor’s properties – a list of contractors’ properties. In the window it is possible to define new contractor’s properties.
Goods properties – a list of goods properties. In the window it is possible to define new goods properties.
Calendars – when this function is selected, a list of calendars shall be displayed, grouping employee availability and unavailability periods. These periods are important when generating tasks included in schedules.
Complaints: Operations definitions – list of operations definitions available for complaints documents.
CN codes – displays a list of CN codes.
Customs categories – displays a list of customs categories.
AC amounts dictionary – displays a list of AC amounts that can be defined.
IQC components – displays definitions of IQC components.
Special functions – displays a list of special functions.
Integrity tests – runs the testing process.
Attributes – a list of attributes. The window is used to define attributes and to assign them to objects.
Attachments – the list of attachments (files in formats: .doc; xls; .zip; .bmp; JPG, etc. and other user-defined), which can be assigned to selected objects in COMARCH ERP XL.
Financial categories – opens window: Financial categories. It is used to define financial categories. Due to the fact, that this window is used in the module: Business Intelligence, the detailed description can be found in the documentation of the module: Business Intelligence, chapter: Financial categories.
Analytical dimensions – opens the window: List of dimensions and conditions. The window is used to define dimensions according to which the user can create any report and perform various analyses. Due to the fact, that this window is used in the module: Business Intelligence, the detailed description can be found in the documentation of the module: Business Intelligence, chapter: List of dimensions and conditions.
DTS transformations – displays a window on DTS transformation. Due to the fact, that this window is used in the module: Business Intelligence, the detailed description can be found in the documentation of the module: Business Intelligence.
Projects – list of project type dimensions. As this function is applicable to BI, it is described in the documentation of the module: Business Intelligence.
Surveys – opens a list of questions for editing, a list of surveys definitions, a list of available periods of surveys and Answers.
This menu contains functions concerning the definition and execution of processes in the system:
Processes definitions – opens the window: Processes definitions, in which the definition of processes, which can be handled in the system, takes place.
XL Work Automated System – opens the window, which defines the time interval and starts the XL Work Automated System.
XL Automated System Mailbox – mailbox with a list of task for XL Work Automated System.
My documents in document flow – opens a list of documents flow: Incoming/outgoing/internal documents.
Documents mailbox – opens a window with a list of incoming, outgoing and internal documents whose supervisor is the currently logged-in operator.
Schedule – opens the window: Schedule, from the level of which it is possible to view/edit the tasks of an employee associated with an operator for a specific date.
Employee mailbox – opens a window with a list of tasks divided into operator’s tasks, tasks for the centre, tasks of subordinates to the operator and completed tasks. From the level of the list it is possible to execute displayed tasks.
Processes list – opens a window with a list of all processes in which the logged operator can execute an action.
Used to determine the manner in which windows will be displayed. One of the following options can be selected:
Adjacent – sets the open windows adjacent.
Cascade – arranges open windows as a cascade.
Arrange icons – arranges minimised windows sequentially in the bottom left corner.
Help topics – opens documentation of COMARCH ERP XL system.
Table of contents – used to search for help topics.
Search – presents help topics.
About … – displays information about the program, the held license, allows making a request to the program, gives information about the hardware key, and technical information.
Remote assistance – allows for establishing remote connection
Comarch ERP Offer – window with information about the offer.
Comarch ERP Community – opens window with logging into Comarch Cloud. – window with commercial offers from portal.
Important information – window with product news and promotions for Comarch ERP XL users.
General – toolbar
The toolbar contains basic functions as well as those that become active when selected windows are opened. The basic functions are:
[System configuration] – opens the window: Configuration used for COMARCH ERP XL system configuration.
[Company’s structure] – data on the company’s structure are displayed, divided into three categories: Rights structure, Cost structure, and Subordinate structure.
[Operators] – opens a list of post and operators.
[Company’s stamp] – displays a window with company data.
[Computer configuration] – initiates computer configuration process.
[Special functions] – displays a list of special functions.
[Integrity tests] – runs the integrity testing process.
[Schedule] – opens the employee’s schedule.
General changes and what’s new in the version
Excluding English version
As of version 2018.2.1 for Comarch ERP XL System, the English version, understood as a separately released version of the System, will no longer be made available. Instead, Customers will use the standard version, taking advantage of the interface translation functionality introduced in version 2018.2.1, described in section 5.1. Due to the fact that the previous English version was distinguished by certain functional elements, in version 2018.2.1 of the System appropriate changes have been made to the standard so that Customers working so far on the English version do not lose the above-mentioned legitimate exceptions in the behaviour of the System. This concerns the optional disabling of the NIP validation (functionality described in 1.4.10).
Placeholder on the list of filters
A placeholder for the filter item has been added to the standard filter field placed on most system lists, allowing the user to easily find and open the right item from the list. The placeholder is activated after expanding the list of available filters, where after entering any string containing the name of the searched filter, the list will be automatically limited to those containing such a string. This is especially important in case of those lists, where there are many dedicated user filters.
Data import templates into Comarch ERP XL system
Template spreadsheets have been prepared for importing data into the System. These are Excel files, which contain proper spreadsheet name and proper column names, supported during import. The templates are available in sub-directory [Spreadsheet import templates] of Comarch ERP XL installation directory.