Main menu and toolbar constitute the basic tools for working with the module: Orders.
![Main menu and toolbar of the module: Orders.](
Main menu
Main menu consists of the following items: System, General, Lists, Documents, Tasks, Window, Help, where the relevant options contain the items as described below:
Active sessions – list of active sessions operating on current database.
Configuration – window of system’s basic parameters configuration.
Change password – change of password for current operator.
Fill in biometrics – this option is available if the parameter enabling face recognition logging has been activated in the card of the logged-in Operator. It opens the camera preview window and reads biometric features based on the photo taken of the Operator.
Delete biometrics – this option is available if biometric features are assigned to the logged-in User. Deletes the biometric features of this Operator.
Date change – change of the current date, suggested as the transaction date.
Period change – selection of the financial period.
Change of the operator’s context – selection of the centre of the rights structure from among those to which the current operator belongs.
Operator change – allows changing the operator in the opened module.
Contextual bans – window for defining bans of access to certain functions (windows) for operators. It contains a list of functions corresponding to currently opened windows. For each of these functions it is possible to create a list of operators which will not have access to it. Bans set in this way will be included in the list of bans for an operator, defined from the centre of the rights structure.
Default window settings – this function serves for restoring default window settings in the module.
User settings – window for screen configuration, for example background.
Printer settings – selection of a default printer and setting of its parameters.
Add-ons – list of functional add-ons. Functional add-ons were described in the documentation of the module: Administrator.
End of work – closing of the module: Orders.
Contractors – a list with suppliers, recipients, sales representatives, and freight forwarders.
Goods – list of goods. The name “Goods” is symbolic; the list also includes services, costs, deposits and products.
Sales price lists – displays a list of sales price lists. More information on this functionality is available in the module documentation: Sale.
Banks – a list of banks.
Currencies – currencies available in the system and their exchange rates.
Post codes – displays a list of post codes arranged by code and by city. More information on this window is available in the module documentation: Sale.
Traits – list of goods traits grouped by trait class. Trait is an additional parameter used to differentiate goods with the same code when recording turnover.
IQC components – list of definitions of the components of the balance of goods.
Calendars – displays a list of calendars.
Attachments – lists attachments and printouts archive.
Commercial documents – list of purchase, import, sales, export, deposit, internal, warehouse, complaint, transport documents.
Orders – list of requests for quotation, offers, and sales/purchase orders. Full functionality of this list (modifying data) is available to the User having the licence for the module: Orders.
Balance of goods – a document which allows analysing resources, orders, planned quantities of selected goods in a specific time interval including selected warehouses.
Demand plans – enable to enter the period for which the demand plan shall be defined and the commodity that shall be subject of the plan.
Notebook – used for preparation of a transaction template (goods specification).
Agreements – the list of agreements by type and project enables the user to add an agreement type.
The following functions can be selected from the menu:
My documents in document flow – list of documents in circulation: incoming/outgoing/internal.
Documents mailbox – incoming/outgoing/internal documents, whose supervisor is the currently logged-in operator.
Schedule – opens the window: Schedule, from the level of which it is possible to view/edit the tasks of an employee associated with an operator for a specific date. More information in module documentation: Administrator.
Employee mailbox – opens the window: Employee mailbox, from the level of which the operator/employee can handle all processes assigned to him/her, to the centre in which he/she is located and to subordinate employees (according to the subordinate structure). Handling a process from the level of an employee mailbox is a possibility to start the process and perform subsequent tasks. For more information on processes functionality refer to the module documentation: Administrator.
List of processes – the window displays all active processes registered in the system. From the level of the window it is possible to start a selected process, display its history, etc. For more information on processes functionality refer to the module documentation: Administrator.
Help topics – opens documentation of COMARCH ERP XL system.
Table of contents – used to search for help topics.
Search – presents help topics.
About … – displays information about the program, the held license, allows making a request to the program, gives information about the hardware key, and technical information.
Remote assistance – allows for establishing remote connection
Comarch ERP Offer – window with information about the offer.
Comarch ERP Community – opens window with logging into Comarch Cloud. – window with commercial offers from portal.
Important information – window with product news and promotions for Comarch ERP XL users.
The toolbar contains basic functions as well as those that become active when selected windows are opened. The basic functions are:
[Contractors list] – opens a list of contractors sorted by the group they belong to, acronym, NIP number, and sales representative.
[List of goods] – opens the list of goods, sorted by code, by name and by symbol.
[List of banks] – opens the list of banks sorted by code, city or area code.
[Currency exchange list] – opens a window with a list of currency rates.
[Add purchase order] – creates a new purchase order. Using the button:
it is possible to add another document from the module: Orders.
[Offers and orders list] – opens windows with requests for quotation, offers and orders registered in the System. New documents can also be registered in the opened window.
[Balance of goods list] – opens the window: Balance of goods list.
[Unfulfilled order items] – opens a window to display unfulfilled order items.
[Schedule] – opens the window: Schedule, from the level of which it is possible to view/edit the tasks of an employee associated with an operator for a specific date. More information in module documentation: Administrator.
Toolbar – functions concerning the active window
The functions that become active when the selected windows are opened are:
[Print] – used to print the data in the open window. Button:
[Select printout], allows selecting the printout type.
[Send default printout] – allows to send the default printout as an attachment in an email message sent using the default email program. Button:
[Select printout], allows selecting a different type of printout to send than the default printout.
[Draw chart] – starts the defined default chart. If more charts have been defined, the selection is made by using the button:
[Select chart], or by clicking the right mouse button on the icon: [Chart]. The printout configuration is started by clicking the button: [Chart] (with the left mouse button) and pressing the <Ctrl> key (from the keyboard) simultaneously.
[Report execution] – launches the execution of the defined default SQL report. If more reports have been defined, the selection is made by right-clicking on the [Quick SQL report] icon. The Quick SQL report configuration is started by clicking the [Quick SQL report] button (with the left mouse button) and pressing the <Ctrl> key (from the keyboard) simultaneously.
[Export to spreadsheet] – the button is available (visible) if the active window displays a list (table) that can be exported to a spreadsheet whose format was selected in the window: Computer configuration, in the tab: Export (available options: Automatic selection, Export to MS Excel, Export to Open Office Calc.). All list items are exported, taking filtering into account. The selection of items is not taken into account.
[Process history] – after selecting a request for quotation, offer or order on the open list of requests for quotation, offers and orders and clicking the button, a window will open: Process history, which will display a list of tasks to be executed within the process that the document is handled by. More information on tasks and processes is available in the module documentation: Administrator.
[Conversation with the customer] – allows for conversation with the contractor.
[Contact history] – opens a window with the history of the contractors’ contacts.
[Contractor’s history] – opens a window with the history of the contractor.
[Product history] – opens a window with the history of the product.
[Help] – launches Comarch ERP XL system help related to the active window.
[Document statistics] – shows the data of the document element: margin, weight, volume, number of units of goods, which is the subject of the transaction.
[Output accounting entry] – shows the accounting entry of the document opened for preview (the icon is active only for posted documents). More information in module documentation: Accountancy.
[Stock forecast] – opens a window with a stock forecast for the commodity, according to the order execution date. The Include PLZ parameter has been added to the Stock forecast window. With this parameter enabled, the Forecast column will be activated. The quantity will be taken from the approved PLZ. The “To” date of the period on the PLZ is used as the forecast date. For the 1st record (record with current date) the aforementioned quantity is determined on the basis of those periods of approved PLZ, the “To” date of which matches the current date.
[Previous list item] – when editing (changing, previewing) a list item, the current item will be changed to the previous one without closing and reopening the editing window.
[Next list item] – when editing (changing, previewing) a list item, the current item will be changed to the next one without closing and reopening the editing window.
[Structure of the discount granted] – this button will be active when the following window is opened: Document transaction element, on which the contractor and goods have been selected. More information is available in the module documentation: Sale.
[Print barcode] – opens a window with the function of printing a label for the given goods.