Handling of buy-back

Comarch Retail POS application allows the user to handle the buy-back of selected items.

The user may activate the buy-back functionality and select the parameter Buy-back on the item form on the ERP system’s side.

Items to be bought back need to be entered by the user in a trade document. A document item related to a buy-back reduces the amount due for a transaction registered with the document.

Receipt item with assigned Buy-back parameter

At the moment of document confirmation, items subject to a buy-back are transferred to an automatically generated document of manual quantity correction. As a result, the issued receipt/invoice does not contain items related to the buy-back. The payments of both the documents are compensated after the synchronization of these documents with the ERP system.

Items of the Buy-back type:

In the ERP system, it is possible to grant the permission Validation of refund in order to specify which users should be able to confirm a sales document containing items of the Buy-back type.
A fashion retailing company has introduced a discount on a new shirt granted after returning a used shirt. Depending on the condition of the used shirt, the user can grant a 10 EUR or 20 EUR discount.

The following items have been added in the system:

  • Shirt – price 100 EUR, not subject to buy-back
  • Used shirt 10 – price 10 EUR, subject to buy-back
  • Used shirt 20 – price 20 EUR, subject to buy-back

After receiving a used shirt from a customer, the user grants a 20 EUR discount and adds the items Used shirt 20 and Shirt in a trade document. The customer now needs to pay 80 EUR for the transaction. After the user confirms the payment window, the application generates a receipt for 100 EUR and a manual quantity correction for 20 EUR.

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