Happy hours

On the POS workstation, it is possible to handle schedules allowing the configuration of promotions effective within specified hours – so-called happy hours – or on specified days, e.g. the last day of the month.

Schedules may be defined on the ERP system’s side.

Schedules can be configured for the following objects:

Schedules are not presented in the application’s interface.

Schedule types handled by the application include:

  • Daily schedules
  • Weekly schedules
  • Monthly schedules

Schedules do not affect the functioning of objects to which they are assigned. They only set the objects’ effective time.

A discount to be effective in July has been defined in the ERP system. The discount has been assigned a schedule with the following configuration:

  • Effective from 01 July 2019 to 31 July 2019
  • Executed every other day between 10:00 AM and 7:30 PM
  • Executed every week between 10:00 AM and 8:30 PM
  • Not set as a round-the-clock schedule
  • Not effective on weekends

A discount with such a schedule would be effective, for instance, on:

  • 05 July 2019 at 2:00 PM
  • 15 July 2019 at 2:00 PM

The same discount would not be effective on:

  • 09 July 2019 at 8:00 PM
  • 14 July 2019 at 2:00 PM


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