Layout management

The user can access the layout settings of a given application window:

  • After selecting [Configuration] → [Interface Configuration] → [Layout Management]
  • After selecting the configuration icon located in the upper part of the application window and clicking [Modify View]. In this case, the modification window is opened for the currently opened view.
Layout Management window

The layout management window is divided into two sections:

  • On the left side, there is a working area which presents the view being edited and which allows the modification of the location of particular elements
  • On the right side, there is a menu containing the list of editable views, the list of properties of a selected element, and the list of elements available within a selected layout area
Layout management window for Item Preview

For some views (e.g. in the case of Item Preview or Customer Details), the working area is presented in the form of a grid.

Working area presented in the form of a grid

In the Layout Management window displayed for a specific view, it is possible to modify the visibility of:

  • Tiles
  • Buttons
  • Tabs
  • Columns
  • Information on the details of document items
  • Attributes

It is also possible to change the location of some objects (e.g. in the case of column order) displayed as part of a given view.

To present the following information:

  • Name
  • Code
  • Price
  • Features
  • Reverse charge

for document items of a new sales order, it is necessary to perform the following actions in the Layout Management window:

  • In the Views section, select Sales Orders and QuotesNew Order
  • In the Properties section, specify Layout ID as SalesOrderViewProductDetails
  • Select a property to be displayed, for instance Item Price
  • Select the parameter Visibility

Modification of order item details

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