Window view

The upper part of each currently opened window contains the window’s name.

Trade Documents window name

In the case of the basic views of the application, a quick access menu allowing the user to open basic application functionalities is located next to the window name.

[Menu] button
On the right side of the window name, the following elements are located:

  • Navigation button
  • Current time
  • Status of connection with the service synchronizing data between the POS workstation and the ERP system: active (green) or inactive (red). The green pulsing dot means that synchronization is in progress.
  • Logged-in operator’s data
  • Options button:
  • Options button enabling access to interface configuration, layout management, application logs, and information about the program
  • Minimize button – its visibility depends on the configuration of the POS workstation from the ERP system’s side and on the operator’s permissions
  • Close button – its visibility depends on the operator’s permissions (granted from the ERP system’s side)
Top right corner of the window
About Program option

The About Program window presents information on the company:

  • Company’s name
  • Main address
  • TIN
  • EIN
  • SIC

and on the application:

  • Version
  • Build number
  • Date released
  • POS code
  • Database name
About Program window

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