Handling of restaurant vouchers (Enterprise)

This feature is available in cooperation with Comarch ERP Enterprise.

As part of corporate perks, some companies provide their employees with restaurant vouchers; such vouchers are usually issued for a particular amount granted on each day. To support that, it is now possible to handle vouchers with a usage limit configured in the ERP system. External vouchers issued by external providers are handled as well.

The payment window displays information on payments made with vouchers with a usage limit.

Payment window

In the case of external vouchers with a usage limit, selecting the button [External Voucher] opens a window where it is necessary to enter Number of Voucher with Limit.

External voucher with limit upload window

Two voucher forms are supported:

  • paper vouchers
  • digital vouchers in the form of cards recharged every month

Restaurant vouchers may only be used to pay for certain items. The item preview window displayed on the POS workstation shows information retrieved from the ERP system whether a given product may be paid for with a restaurant voucher.

Payable by Voucher information in item preview window

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