Printout history

On the POS workstation, each printout copy of a confirmed document following the document’s first printout is marked as a copy. It applies to confirmed documents of the following types:

  • R
  • SI
  • ASI
  • RQC
  • SIQC
  • Manual corrections
The function registering printouts is only available in French databases.

If the parameter Compliance with French VAT Law is selected in the ERP system, the application records printout history for copies/duplicates as well; the user can access it by clicking the button [Printout History].

[Printout History] button in a receipt
The displayed list presents the following data:

  • Copy number
  • Printout number
  • Workstation code
  • Person responsible
  • Creation date
  • Number of unconfirmed printouts
  • Number of confirmed printouts
Receipt printout history list

The operator may narrow down the list of duplicates with the use of the filters:

  • Workstation Code
  • Handled By
  • Created On

While printing duplicates, the application also generates a digital signature allowing the identification of each printout copy.

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