
Rules of generating documents

A new document can only be generated from a confirmed or posted document (it is not possible to generate document from an unconfirmed, cancelled or fully corrected document). Items of a document being generated take on VAT rates of their equivalents in the source document, exception is generation: PQ SQ […]

Directions of documents generation

Below are presented directions of manual generation of documents: SOI SQ or POI selected items of SOI SQ, POI POI PQ SQ SO OZ  ZZ lub OS PQ PO or SQ selected items of PQ SQ SO SI, SOR, R, PO (blocked, if SO subitems indicate own consignment warehouse), ASI, IO, […]

Generation of documents

In document generation process, it is possible to distinguish source document from which another document is generated and generated document, which is created by generation. Both the documents are strictly related with each other and they complement each other, giving a wider view of performed operations. Options of generating of […]

Tab Associated Documents

The tab is divided into two subtabs: System – contains information about all documents associated with a given document, e.g. about a VAT invoice, corrections, generated warehouse documents or other trade documents. This information is automatically updated in accordance with performed operations. Reference – presents external links associated with document […]

Tab Amounts

This tab presents detailed information regarding document’s VAT amounts, associated payments and advance invoices. The tab is not present on purchase/sales inquiries. On other documents it is divided into two or three sections: VAT Items, Payments, Advance Invoices. VAT Items This section allows for defining the following data: VAT Account […]

Tab Currencies

Tab Currencies cannot be edited by the user. It contains information about currencies used on a document along with their exchange rates for a given day. The number of items on the list may differ depending on how many currencies have been used while issuing a document. In case document […]

Tab Packs

This tab is available on documents of receipt type and on WM- document. It presents list of packs grouping document items and indicates how they will be packed. In the system, it is also possible to define “empty” packs, that is packs to which non document items have been assigned. […]

Tab Customers/Vendors

This tab is divided in two parts. The left-hand side presents information regarding customer/vendor and the right-hand side presents information about secondary customer/secondary vendor. Both tabs contain the following customer/vendor data: contact and address data, GLN number data of customer’s/vendor’s default contact person, code, name, loyalty card number TIN number […]

Tab Items

This tab contains basic data which should be completed in order to issue a trade or a warehouse document, that is items the document relates to. Items list One document can be issued for many different items. This part of form contains the list of all items for which a […]

Document header

Document header contains basic information about document. The user can hide/present document header from the level of each tab available on document with the use of the buttons: . Document header presents general information concerning document: Document status – indicates status of the currently opened document. Available statuses are described […]


Every trade document form consists of tabs which group information used in business process and during work with the system. Quantity, type and content of tabs may differ depending on document type. Tabs common for most documents: Items Packs (tab available for documents of receipt type and for WM+ document) […]

Configuration – Basic terms

Shortages – item quantity in basic unit for which has been issued a document of release type (SI, R), but such a document hasn’t been covered by available stock levels Quantity – item quantity in warehouses resulting from confirmed warehouse documents Available quantity – quantity resulting from the difference between […]

Configuration – Permissions

This tab allows for assigning permissions to specific operator group, which concern the settings of performing specific actions in particular areas of the system. The tab consists of list of permissions and is available from the level Configuration → Company Structure → Operator Groups → edit form of selected operator […]

Configuration – Document definition

Depending on center/company, different document configuration may be required in the system. Such a configuration consists in defining way of functioning of documents, basing on different parameters, numeration schemes or their availability in the company structure. Documents definition can be performed from the following levels: Tab Documents which allows for […]

Configuration – Trade/Warehouse – Weighed codes

Weighed codes are a special type of barcodes which contain information regarding item weight, which means that one part of the barcode is responsible for identifying item from item forms and the second part for the weight saved in code. The functionality of weighed codes, available in the section Trade/Warehouse […]

Configuration – Trade/Warehouse – Delivery costs

Section Trade/Warehouse, available from the level of Configuration menu, contains a functionality related to delivery costs, which allows for defining and calculating them and therefore facilitates work with such a type of costs included in transactions. Upon selecting button [Add], the system opens window of delivery costs calculation where it […]

Configuration – Trade/Warehouse – Units of measure

Section Trade/Warehouse, available from the level of Configuration menu, contains a functionality related to units of measure, which allows for defining them and therefore increases clarity of item classification and improves maintenance of items. By default, each item has its basic unit in which it is registered in warehouse. At […]

Configuration – Trade/Warehouse – General information

Section Trade/Warehouse, available from the level of Configuration menu, is provided with objects related to trade and warehouse maintenance in the system. Before starting work with the system, it is recommended to define them in order to have a possibility to use, e.g., price lists or unit measures on documents, […]

System configuration – Trade tab – Inventory

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration →Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information. Section Inventory is composed of the following parameters: Automatically generate inventory documents during inventory confirmation – if the parameter is checked, after confirmation […]

System configuration – Trade tab – Documents

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information. Section Documents is composed of the following parameters: Get customer/vendor address during document generation – from a drop-down list it is possible […]

System configuration – Trade tab – Items

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information. Section Items is composed of the following parameters: Filter item list by vendor’s price list – if the parameter is checked, item […]

System configuration – Trade tab – Trading Periods

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information. Section Trading Periods is composed of the following parameters: Limit the number of open trading periods – the parameter allows for determining […]

System configuration – Trade tab – Barcodes

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade tab – General information. Section Barcodes contains the following parameters: Check uniqueness of item barcodes – this option allows for enabling verification of uniqueness of barcodes […]

System configuration – Trade tab – General Parameters

The following parameters are available in the tab Trade of the menu System → Configuration → Trade, which is described in the article Trade Tab – General Information. Section General Parameters contains the following parameters: Default method of collecting resources – allows to select the method of warehouse pricing. Methods […]

Assigning dimensions and analytical description to documents

Properly defined dimensions and analytical description increase the possibilities of analyzing a company’s outcome.  Analytical description is defined in Analytical Description tab which is available both in documents relevant for the trade-warehouse module and those for the accounting module. To add a new record of analytical description, click on [Add […]