Adding a recurring posting scheme

To add a recurring posting scheme, it is necessary, from the level of the menu Accounting → Recurring Posting Operations, click on the button [Add] placed in the List group of buttons. Then, a form for entering of data appears.

Recurring posting scheme form

Tab General

Symbol − mandatory field, recurring posting scheme symbol

Name − allows for entering the name of a recurring posting scheme

Ledger − mandatory field, allows for indicating a ledger on which journal entries generated with the use of a given posting scheme should be registered. Clicking on the button opens the list of ledgers available within a current accounting period.

Document Number − allows for entering the number which will be transferred to the Document number field on the journal entry

Description − allows for entering a description which will be transfered to the field Description on the journal entry.

Post as unconfirmed − parameter specifying whether generated journal entries will be saved as unconfirmed (parameter checked) or immediately confirmed (parameter unchecked).

Merge single-sided entries − parameter specifying whether a posting scheme should merge single-sided entries registered on the same account.

A recurring posting scheme item can be added in table or through form.

Adding a recurring posting scheme item in table

To add an item, it is necessary to select the button [Add in Table] from the Items group of buttons. A row in which it is possible to enter data, appears on the list of items.

The table contains the following columns: No., Expression of Account DR, Expression of Account CR, Amount Expression, Description. After clicking on the arrow placed on the right side of the field, a window where it is possible to type the expression, appears.

The list of predefined macros is not available when adding a posting scheme item in table.
Recurring posting scheme item added in table

Adding a posting scheme item through form

To add an item, it is necessary to select the button [Add through Form]. A posting scheme item form appears.

Recurring posting scheme item form

The form is composed of the following elements:

Tab General

Calculate For − allows for defining a range of accounts fulfilling specific conditions, so-called masks. A mask can be used when defining subsequent scheme items with the use of the variable @Account. A user can define a mask by using the following options:

  • ? − Any character
  • * − Any string of characters
  • [] − Character included in string
  • [-] − Character included in range
  • [^] − Character not included in string
  • [^-] − character not included in range

Account DR/Account CR − allows for manual insertion of account or for using of the option:

  • Select account from the chart of accounts
  • Account − variable referring to the accounts which fulfill the definition of the mask. An example of use can be found in article Account format in recurring posting operations
  • SQL Query

Create DR Account/Create CR Account − parameter determining whether accounts should be created automatically when posting, in accordance with the number entered in the field Account DR/Account CR

Account − allows for manual insertion of account or for using of the macros:

  • Opening Debit Balance
  • Opening Credit Balance
  • Debits
  • Credits
  • Change in Debit Balance
  • Change in Credit Balance
  • Debit Balance
  • Credit Balance
  • Ending Balance
  • Accounts Format − variable referring to all the accounts which fulfill the definition of the mask.
  • Account − variable referring to the accounts which fulfill the definition of the mask.
  • Select account from the chart of accounts
  • SQL Query

Description − allows for entering description manually or with the use of an SQL query in which a macro @Account can be used. For example:

SQL( SELECT tv.Value AS this FROM SecAccountingStructure.Accounts AS a

INNER JOIN Dictionaries.TranslationValues AS tv ON a.NameTranslationID = tv.TranslationID

WHERE a.Number = @Konto AND a.AccountingPeriodID = @AccountingPeriodId)

An SQL query in recurring posting schemes can be defined manually or with the use of function suggesting SQL query elements (tables, SQL functions, system elements) by pressing <CTRL>+ <Space>. In case the function of suggesting is selecte, the system displays elements which could be included in an SQL query at a given moment.

Tab Attributes

Detailed description of the tab can be found in article Tab Attributes.


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