
In the Comarch ERP Standard BPM system, it is possible to assign attachments to processes, e.g., in order to send them via e-mail. An attachment can be, for example, an image or a spreadsheet. There are two ways of adding attachments: from the level of the global list and from the level of the local list.

Global list

From the level of the window of processes library, it is possible to open the global list of attachments, by selecting the [Attachments] button from the group of buttons Administration. It is used to handle attachments within all process in the assembly. The user can add files and attach them to particular processes. In case the attachment is an image, it is possible to preview it in File preview section.

Global attachment list

To add an attachment to a process, it is necessary to:

  • Load an attachment to the list with the use of [Add] button.
  • Check the attachment in Files section
  • Check the process in section Processes not associated with the attachment
  • Select [Attach file] button
Local attachment list

The local list is opened from the level of the process modification window. It contains attachments used in a current BPM process. The difference between the local and the global lists consists in the fact that the local list concerns only one, currently modified process and therefore in the window there are no sections related to the selection of a process. Instead of them, the window contains a list of previously added attachments. Associating of an attachment with a process is performed by means of the button [Attach file], available in the menu.

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