Tax return submitting configuration

The system allows for sending tax returns directly to the Ministry of Finance portal and retrieving Tax Return Acknowledgement (TRA). A user can export a tax return with the use of so-called qualified or unqualified signature.

From the level of the menu Configuration -> Company Structure -> Company, in the tab Tax Returns it is necessary to indicate a tax office to which tax returns will be submitted as well as a taxpayer type. Detailed description of the tab Tax Returns can be found in article <<Company Structure – Company>>

Tab Tax Returns on company form

Before submitting a tax return, it is necessary to complete fields in section E-Tax Return (access from the level of the menu System → Configuration → Data Exchange.

  • Web Service Address – address is set, by default.
  • Exchange File Directory – directory in which exported e-tax returns and TRA will be saved
Section E-Tax Returns in system configuration
The system user should have full access to the folder in which tax returns and TRA are saved as well as to the folder in which the logs of Comarch.EDeclarations.dll assembly are saved. The location of the folder with the logs of a given assembly depends on the running Windows system version. Usually, the access path to a given folder is: C:\ProgramData\ Comarch ERP Altum\ Logs\ Version\ Profile code from Auto Update\ File name.

Information regarding ports which must be unlocked in order to enable tax return submitting can be found in document <<Comarch ERP Altum – Wykaz połączeń>>


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