Detailed description of  the document form and its tabs can be found in subcategory Document forms.

WM- document form

Additionally, the header contains information on:

  • source warehouse – a warehouse selected as default warehouse for WM- document type in the center issuing a document is set by default. The source warehouse can be changed until the first item has been added.
  • target warehouse – a warehouse selected as default warehouse for WM+ document type in the center issuing a WM- document is set by default. As a target warehouse on a WM- document it is possible to set a warehouse which is available in:
    • the parent company and its child centers, on condition that parameter Dedicated for the parent company is checked on the warehouse form.
    • in a center of Company type and its child centers there will be warehouses attached to the given company available for selection
The system does not permit item movement within the same warehouse – source and target warehouses should be different.
A consignment warehouse of own type can be set as a target warehouse, only if a source warehouse is a consignment warehouse of a customer.
  • Process in POS – parameter available on WM- document form in case:
    • in a Company in which a document is being added, at least one POS workstation has been defined
    • a warehouse attached in the definition of WM- in a center in which that workstation is defined is set as source warehouse

The setting of the parameter is retrieved from the document definition in the center in which a document is being issued – it is unchecked by default.

The parameter is available for editing:

  • for documents with Initiated and Unconfirmed status
  • after adding the first item
  • after indicating:
    • source warehouse assigned to the WM- definition in the center in which the POS workstation has been defined
    • source/target warehouse of Local type
    • source warehouse without handling of WMS activated

After saving a WM- with parameter Process in POS checked, the document cannot be modified in Comarch ERP Standard anymore.

Section Automatic Generation of WM+ allows for specifying whether a WM+ document:

  • should be generated with Confirmed status – option Confirmed
  • should be generated with Unconfirmed status – option Unconfirmed
  • should not be generated – option Don’t generate
The setting of the Automatic Generation of MM+ parameter is stored per center and inheritance by child centers within a given company structure.

The option defined in the WM+ document type configuration is set by default.

List of items can contain any number of items; however, the resources of each item should be available in the source warehouse.

Method of adding items onto a document is described in subcategory Adding document items. 

On a WM- document, it is possible to define packs. The process of adding packs to a document and their handling is similar as in the case of documents for received items, including the following differences:

  • on the pack form, there are two fields relating to warehouses – Source Warehouse and Target Warehouse, whereas these fields are inactive and filled in with the warehouses from a document header by default
  • the uniqueness of UPC codes is not checked on WM+ documents
  • a pack value always receives a subtotal value
  • it is not possible to add many packs at the same time
  • packs can be copied to a WM- only if the quantity of resources in stock is sufficient for all the items of a pack
  • the value of a copied pack is calculated on the basis of the actual values of the collected resources and not on the basis of the source pack


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