BI requirements

Minimum requirements for BI server, BI Web Reports Book and BI Point are presented in tables below.

In case of BI server, it is recommended that server collation is the same as collation of Comarch ERP Standard collation and collation of SQL server on which the production environment is located.

Business Intelligence module has been adjusted to operate in a domain-based environment (Active Directory) and all its functionalities can be used only in such configuration. In cooperation with Excel program, the required minimum MS Office version is 2003 (or later). BI can cooperate with a mail client (MS Outlook only) when the application is already running and configured.

BI Server

In the table below, there are minimum requirements for a Buisnes Intelligence server, depedning on a Comarch ERP Standard system database size.

Comarch ERP Standard Database Size*<10 GB10-50 GB50-80 GB
Number of Reporting Persons2510
CPU1 CPU Quad Core > 2,0
1 CPU Eight Core > 2.0
2 CPU Eight Core > 2.4
RAM***16 GB**40 GB**64 GB**
Disk Drives****100 GB300 GB600 GB
RAID At least RAID 0, recommended RAID 10
Operating System*****Microsoft Windows
Server 2016 R2
Standard Edition or later****
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 R2
Standard Edition or later****
SQL*****MS SQL Server 2014/2016/201
7 Standard Edition
MS SQL Server 2014/2016/2017
BI/Enterprise Edition x64****
Additional.NET Framework 4.6.2

*Does not apply to binary data, individual consultations are recommended for databases over 80 GB

** 0.5 GB must be added for each BI user

*** RAM with high frequency, e.g. 21333 MHZ is recommended. All RAM should maintain the same frequency

**** Fast SSD drives are recommended

***** With the latest Service Pack

Real Time Data Warehouse and Data Mining functionalities require environment with installed MS SQL 2008 R2/2012/2014/2016/2017 Enterprise/BI Edition. MS SQL 2008/2008 R2/2012/2014/2016/2017 Standard Edition version allows to run Business Intelligence module without mentioned functionalities.

Web Reports Book

Below are the requirements for server and client workstation in order to use the Web Reports Book application.

Operating System
Microsoft Windows Vista x64
Microsoft Windows 7 x64
Microsoft Windows 8 (8.1) x64
Microsoft Windows 10 x64
Any operating/mobile system
supporting one of the following
Internet browsers in the latest
available version:

Firefox 3.6 or higher

Latest version of Google Chrome available
SQLMS SQL Server 2014/2016/2017-
Additional RequirementsNET Framework 4.0

Internet Information Services 7.0 or higher
Active DirectoryDomain environment required

BI Point

In case if Business Intelligence installation uses BI Point functionality, hardware configuration should include the following requirements

CPUUp to 10 simultaneous users – 2x2.4 GHz,
additional core for each subsequent 5
RAMMinimum 8 GB for maximum 4
simultaneous (using BI at the same time)
users + 0.5 GB for each additional user
Operating System**Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 x64
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 x64
Microsoft Windows Vista x64
Microsoft Windows 7 x64
Microsoft Windows 8 (8.1) x64
Microsoft Windows 10 x64
Any operating/mobile system
supporting one of the following
Internet browsers in the latest
available version:

Internet Explorer 11 or higher**

Firefox 3.6 or higher

Latest version of Google Chrome available

Latest version of Safari available
SQLMS SQL Server 2008
Additional Requirements.NET Framework 4.6.2

Internet Information Services 7.5 or higher

PostgreSQL 9.6.3

PostGIS 2.2.0 or higher

* 0.5 GB must be added for each BI user

** Selection of the system depends on maximum quantity of RAM which is supported

*** Comarch does not ensure support for Internet Explorer with Enhanced Security configured

A recommended Web browser for BI Point service is Google Chrome.

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