Complaints – General information

The area of complaints makes it possible to handle complaint processes related to items both purchased by customers (sales complaints) and from vendors (purchase complaints). Complaints may be created in relation to items of both the Merchandise and Service type.

Depending on the complaint type, the lists of complaint documents registered in the system may be accessed in the menus Sales and Purchase by selecting the button Complaints.

The list of complaints presents the following information:

  • Document numbers and dates of issue
  • Names and codes of customers/vendors relevant to complaint processes
  • Current states and statuses of complaint documents

The system makes it possible to reopen and close complaints:

  • Closing a complaint means that a given complaint process has been finished. To close a complaint, it is necessary to select the button [Close Complaint].
  • Reopening a complaint is usually connected with a situation where a customer/vendor appeals a decision made by a claim expert. The button [Open Complaint] is only available for documents which have been closed before.

With the use of the complaints feature, it is possible to:

  • Register complaints for multiple items simultaneously (with a single document)
  • Control the consistency of a claimant/vendor from a complaint document with a customer/vendor from a document associated with the complaint
  • Generate documents to and from a complaint warehouse
  • Specify additional statuses of complaint documents and items, e.g. To Consider, Accepted, Rejected, Processed
  • Define and handle complaint handling patterns forming schemes of dealing with complaint documents
  • Analyze the timeliness of complaint consideration
  • Register various complaint execution options – removing of defects and item return, refund, item replacement, and others, with a possibility to define additional ones by the user
  • Generate trade and warehouse documents directly from the complaint document window
  • Correct sales and purchase documents associated with complaint documents directly from the complaint document window
  • Associate warehouse documents with complaint documents
  • Pass the handling of a complaint between different centers, e.g. between a sales center and a complaint handling center, a service center, etc.

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