CRM contacts

Contacts are used for registering information about planned and conduced conversations carried out by an employee with contact persons of customers/vendors.

A new contact can be added from the level of:

  • Main → CRM → My Activities
  • Main → Customers/Vendors → CRM Activities

To save a new meeting, it is necessary to complete:

  • Customer/vendor whom it concerns
  • Contact person

In addition to the standard fields, the following fields are also available on the form:

  • Time – field counting contact duration, that is the time from opening a new window to saving it.  Next to this field, there is [Start/Pause] button on the left.
  •  Set up the next contact in – checking the parameter will create on the list an analogical contact whose date will be compliant with the time set in the field of hours, days, weeks from the current contact or selected directly from a calendar available aside.
  • Add to the calendar of employee – if checked, an object will be displayed in the calendar of an employee.
  • Ended – upon checking this parameter, all fields available in the window are deactivated.
  • Employee – by default, this field displays an employee associated with a currently logged- in operator, with the possibility of changing it to another, defined in the system, employee.
  • Contact icon – lows for proceeding to edition of another contact (specified on the form of a previously   added contact, in the scheduling details panel) which is opened in a new window
  • Type – enables to define the contact type (telephone, e-mail) by selecting a value from among the values defined in the generic directory Contact Form available in the menu Configuration → Generic Directories →   CRM → Contact Type
  • Priority – enables determining activity priority thanks to the possibility of selecting a value from a drop-down   list containing values defined in the generic directory available from the level Configuration → Generic   Directories → CRM → Activity Priorities. 
  • Category –   allows for classifying a newly added object   according to existing categories available from the level of Configuration → Generic Directories → CRM. → Categories.
  • Notes – text box allowing for entering any string of characters. Moreover, for not ended activities on the list of CRM Activities (Contacts, Meetings, Tasks) it is possible to edit the Notes field directly in the list.
  • Customer/Vendor – field completed automatically in case the list of activities is opened directly from the list of customers/vendors.

Section Contact Persons allows for attaching persons (Main → <<Contact Persons>>) who participate in the conversation.


In the activity window, it is possible to add only a contact person who is associated with   a customer/vendor selected on the activity form.  In case of adding an activity from the level of   the list of all activities, the addition of contact persons is disabled until a customer/vendor has   been selected (the plus button is inactive).

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